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The Michigan Elder Justice Initiative (MEJI)

Main Office: 15851 S. US 27, Suite 73 | Lansing | MI | 48906

Phone: 517-394-3027 | Fax: 517-574-5301

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Headline: Discover the Excitement of Empowering and Protecting Michigan's Elderly with The Michigan Elder Justice Initiative (MEJI) Description: Welcome to the vibrant community of The Michigan Elder Justice Initiative (MEJI), where individuals come together to make a difference in the lives of low-income older adults and people with disabilities. MEJI is a project of the Michigan Poverty Law Program, dedicated to empowering, educating, and protecting this vulnerable population through administrative and policy advocacy, educational efforts, and collaboration with multi-disciplinary partners on the local, state, and national level. Nestled in the heart of Michigan, MEJI operates within a community that values compassion, justice, and inclusivity. With its diverse population and rich cultural heritage, Michigan provides a unique backdrop for the important work carried out by MEJI staff. From the bustling city streets of Detroit to the serene beauty of the Great Lakes, this state offers a wide range of experiences and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Michigan is home to a vibrant and engaged community that understands the importance of supporting its elderly population. The state boasts a strong network of civil legal aid programs and advocates, all working tirelessly to ensure that low-income older adults and people with disabilities receive the representation and advocacy they deserve. MEJI plays a crucial role in supporting these programs and advocates, providing them with the necessary tools and resources to effectively serve their clients. The Michigan Elder Justice Initiative is not just a workplace; it is a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact. By joining MEJI, staff members become part of a team that is dedicated to creating lasting change and improving the lives of those who need it most. The collaborative nature of the organization fosters an environment of support and growth, where individuals can learn from one another and develop their skills and expertise. One of the most exciting aspects of working at MEJI is the opportunity to engage in administrative and policy advocacy. Staff members have the chance to shape and influence policies that directly impact the lives of low-income older adults and people with disabilities. Through research, analysis, and strategic planning, MEJI staff work tirelessly to ensure that the voices of this vulnerable population are heard and their rights are protected. MEJI's commitment to education is another reason why working here is so rewarding. The organization offers a wide range of educational programs and resources, equipping staff members with the knowledge and skills needed to provide effective representation and advocacy. From workshops and trainings to conferences and webinars, MEJI ensures that its staff members are always up-to-date with the latest developments in elder justice and disability rights. Collaboration lies at the heart of MEJI's work. The organization actively partners with multi-disciplinary stakeholders, including legal professionals, healthcare providers, social workers, and community organizations, to create a comprehensive and holistic approach to advocacy. This collaborative spirit not only enhances the effectiveness of MEJI's work but also provides staff members with the opportunity to build strong professional networks and learn from experts in various fields. In addition to the professional benefits, working at MEJI offers a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Every day, staff members have the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals who are often marginalized and overlooked. By empowering and protecting low-income older adults and people with disabilities, MEJI staff members contribute to building a more just and inclusive society. In conclusion, The Michigan Elder Justice Initiative (MEJI) offers an exciting and fulfilling opportunity for individuals passionate about advocating for the rights of low-income older adults and people with disabilities. With its vibrant community, commitment to education and collaboration, and the chance to shape policies and make a real impact, MEJI provides an environment where staff members can thrive both personally and professionally. Join MEJI today and be a part of a community that is dedicated to creating a brighter future for Michigan's elderly population.