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Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition.

Main Office: Harewood Road, NE, Suite B | Washington | DC | 20017

Phone: 025-292-991 | Fax: 025-298-334

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Headline: Join a Transformative Community at Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition Description: Imagine being part of a community that is dedicated to ending the practice of torture and supporting survivors on their journey towards healing and empowerment. At Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition International (TASSC), this vision becomes a reality. Founded in 1998, TASSC is the only organization in the United States that was created by and for torture survivors. TASSC's mission is clear: to put an end to torture wherever it occurs and to provide survivors, their families, and communities with the resources and support they need. This organization is not just a workplace; it is a transformative community that offers a unique and fulfilling experience for its staff. The community at TASSC is diverse and inclusive, bringing together individuals from various backgrounds and expertise. From human rights advocates and legal professionals to psychologists and social workers, the staff at TASSC is united by a shared commitment to justice and compassion. This diversity fosters a rich and dynamic environment where different perspectives are valued, and collaboration thrives. One of the most important aspects of TASSC's community is the support and empowerment it provides to survivors. By working closely with survivors, staff members gain a deep understanding of the challenges they face and the resilience they possess. This firsthand experience allows staff to develop a unique skill set that goes beyond professional expertise. They become advocates, allies, and sources of strength for survivors, helping them rebuild their lives and find their voice. The impact of TASSC's work extends far beyond the organization itself. As a staff member, you become part of a global movement that is striving to eradicate torture and promote human rights. TASSC collaborates with international organizations, governments, and grassroots movements to effect change on a global scale. By joining TASSC, you have the opportunity to contribute to this important work and make a tangible difference in the lives of survivors around the world. The community at TASSC is not just about work; it is also about personal growth and self-care. The organization recognizes the emotional toll that working with survivors can have on staff members and provides a supportive environment that encourages self-care and professional development. TASSC offers regular training sessions, workshops, and counseling services to ensure that staff members have the tools they need to thrive both personally and professionally. In addition to the rewarding nature of the work itself, TASSC offers a competitive compensation package and benefits to its staff. This includes healthcare coverage, retirement plans, and ample vacation time. By valuing the well-being of its staff, TASSC demonstrates its commitment to creating a sustainable and fulfilling work environment. In conclusion, working at Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition International is an exciting opportunity for those who are passionate about human rights, justice, and supporting survivors. The diverse and inclusive community, the opportunity to make a global impact, and the emphasis on personal growth and self-care make TASSC a truly unique and fulfilling place to work. Join this transformative community and be part of the movement to end torture and empower survivors.