1 Star Rating

1 Review

Franklin S. Yudkin & Associates

Main Office: 600 W. Main Street, Fifth Floor | Louisville | KY | 40202

Phone: 502-272-2020 | Fax: 502-272-2019

1 Star Rating

1 Review

Franklin S. Yudkin & Associates - Reviews

See reviews for Franklin S. Yudkin & Associates from attorneys and other legal professionals below.

Doesn't Care What So Ever on May 19, 2024 - Current Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Full time Current Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Shut down immediately


He's a lack-luster, sit-on-his-laurels lawyer. He doesn't care about your case and told me over the phone that my case was worthless and there was no chance for the defense. Total PoS that doesn't GaF!

Partners to Avoid and Why:
All of them. They want to be paid, they don't care about defending you if you were wronged.

Favorite Things About this Firm:
They answer on the 4th day that you call them in a row?

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

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