1 Star Rating

1 Review

Lee & Lee

Main Office: 5 Shenton Way, Level 19 UIC Building | Singapore | Singapore (General) | 068808

Phone: 65 6 2200666 | Fax: 65 6 2250438

1 Star Rating

1 Review

Lee & Lee - Reviews

See reviews for Lee & Lee from attorneys and other legal professionals below.

Strongest office politics in the world on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Contract 2017 Former Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Treat staff individually and not as a group. Staunch believers should have heard of karma and not play God and destroy staff rice bowl and humiliate openly because some people are experts at black magic to cast a spell. Staff who sacrifice their family, own pocket money, never add to cost, never take MC, never claim OT, transport, meal are to be treated differently because there is no loss to your office. It's free labor. These staff karma and their prayers for retribution are worrying and there's no reprieve

Standard wages and MOM laws but no printed payroll. Claim all OT, meals, transport. Medical and 14 days leave. Many resigned came back after throwing shit then lick back and accepted mostly women. I wonder how they able to come back

You become systematically marginalized. Gangs, gossips back stabs and rumour factory. Must follow what gangs say and do or die. Maybe they sleep together because all not married. Don't do what they say (like do despatch, collect CO) they complain to lawyer (gang member) who complain to higher in charge (listen blindly) who Influence (whatever this may mean) the highest to sign letter. Must be a Yes idiot especially if you got no breast. So they easy bully you around, make fun of you, humiliate you, spit at you. Never trust your colleagues. They backstab you all the way to the petty upper crusts who listen to who is young and pretty

Partners to Avoid and Why:
Cannot think as there are too many but remember the hands that feed you can fist you anytime so prepare for the battle

Favorite Things About this Firm:
Those who resigned (aka as throw shit at the firm) are accepted back to work provided they are not forced to leave (for reason they decide). Because the politics influence these marginalized staff are forced to leave or be terminated in 24 hours. These are the real suffering staff. Not the ones that throw shit and allowed to lick back

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

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