3 Star Rating

12 Reviews

Burr & Forman LLP.

Main Office: 420 North 20th Street, Suite 3400 | Birmingham | AL | 35203

Phone: 205-251-3000 | Fax: 205-458-5100

3 Star Rating

12 Reviews

Burr & Forman LLP. - Reviews

See reviews for Burr & Forman LLP. from attorneys and other legal professionals below.

The leadership team is focused on professional development. on May 19, 2024 - Current Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Current Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Do your homework and research this firm before deciding whether or not you want to interview. Come prepared and expect to dive induring the interview.

This firm places great value on talent. The firm is very selective when hiring, but those who make the cut can be assured that their professional development will be a top priority. The market beating pay doesn't hurt, either.

The interview process can be a bit rough and not everyone will find it appealing. This firm is looking for a certain type of attorney, and if you aren't it you'll know it quite soon.

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

Enjoyable environment on May 19, 2024 - Current Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Current Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Try and continue working to make strides in hiring those that can handle the workload and makes things even better for the business.

It is a great place to work for and great people to work for. Everyone there is very helpful and gets done everything that needs to be done.

I like the way it all works and how different the environment is, but at times it can get a little stressful and that can get to you.

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

Law Firm with Kind Employees on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Former Employee

Advice to law firm management:
The law office needs to consider hiring more employees and staff to take on heavy work load. Also, the firm should look into increasing the wages for the hard working staff and employees.

The law office firm is encompassed by a group of people which are kind. The firm offers some incentives that are seem to be beneficial to the employees and staff.

The office does not do a great job in offering a salary which is low in terms of the work which is performed by employees and staff. The firm requires too much time to be invested into the work which needs to be completed.

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

No Equally Opportunity for all on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Contract 2015 Former Employee

Advice to law firm management:
HR should take care of the newcomers and directly communicate with them, listen to them and try to sort out the issues they face most of the time from the senior attorneys.

Look best place to internees and new in career.

Actually, its opposite to what looks, bit equally opportunity for all, if you have any reference and dear to any senior attorney than your job will be permanent and you will get some good chances to get a good salary.

Partners to Avoid and Why:
I am not sure about it.

Favorite Things About this Firm:
Nothing, it was really bad experience for me being employee at the firm.

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

Not a Good Place For Work! on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Full time 2017 Former Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Please hire qualified staff and build the new room for growth,

If you are new and want to start your career with the lowest salary then it's a better place for work.

They have lots of bad things first I want to point out about their staff. The staff is not cooperative with assistance. I can say they have an unqualified team.

Favorite Things About this Firm:
No any favorite things about this law firm in my working history.

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

Crooked by Senior on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Full time 2016 Former Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Please help to the newcomer to start their career.

It's charming for new career starter to join the firm, but in reality, it's not. Actual best pas is senior staff enjoying their facilities/salaries a lot.

The worst of the Burr Forman law firm is they do not promote lower-ranked staff and never help to the newcomer to start their career with enthusiasm instead senior attorneys crook them and another staff involves in backstabbing for newcomers. I do not recommend for internees to join that firm at the start of their career.

Favorite Things About this Firm:
If I say that "I do not have anything to share here" then you are fair intelligent to understand my that statement.

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

No Trustworthy on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Contract 2018 Former Employee

Advice to law firm management:
They should take some initiative to follow the each case.

They will get case immediately and said they are well experienced.

They took the money and do not respond, no followup from attorneys.

Partners to Avoid and Why:
Avoid the attorney Denise D. Dell-Powell.

Favorite Things About this Firm:
They will communicate wit you nicely very first.

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

Bad Place For Newcomers on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Contract 2018 Former Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Please be honest with newcomers.

The best thing about this law firm is very polite with each other.

Dean Mead law firm is too much a bad place for a new person to start their career. They don't support and give you lots of work with a cheap salary.

Favorite Things About this Firm:

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

Never hire Burr and Forman on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Full time 2018 Former Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Communicate with clients.

No pros whatsoever

The law firm is filled with people who would do and say anything to get your retainer but then they will ditch you. They will leave you in the dark and you will never get a status update on your case. They are the worst people to hire. The staff does not work at all and as a result of a lot of the cases, they take they lose. I want to make it very clear that you should never hire people from this firm. Communication, no one works at the firm.

Partners to Avoid and Why:
Please avoid from dishonest man.

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

The worst work experience on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Contract 2016 Former Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Stop scamming people and ruining their lives.

The fact that it gets fewer clients these days because lesser people are getting scammed.

Poor research work and they harbor unethical values.

Partners to Avoid and Why:
William L Penny and Stephen H Price because these are the partners who engage in shady work the most.

Favorite Things About this Firm:

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

Waste of your money on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Full time 2015 Former Employee

Advice to law firm management:
Please start doing some sort of work on the cases that you take on that will ensure that you won't ruin your clients' lives.

The people of this firm have no ethics whatsoever. They just focus on scamming their clients by putting absolutely no work into the cases they take on.

Partners to Avoid and Why:
Kenneth Bryant and Brian as under their minimal supervision all cases get jeopardized.

Favorite Things About this Firm:
The firm is extremely horrible with nothing in it to like.

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

The Burr & Forman LLP was presented with an exceptionally praiseworthy and exceptional review. on May 19, 2024 - Former Employee Mr. in San Francisco City,

Full time 2022 Former Employee

5.Current EmployeeWork expSenior Director RecommendProsFirm wants the right things - long term success for people and clientsConsContinue to improve firm diversity

Career Opportunities:

Compensation & Benefits:

Work/Life Balance:

Senior Management:

Culture & Values:

Length of Employment:
10+ years

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