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years of experience in municipal law, including redevelopment, real... estate, business transactions, and procurement. This is... a great opportunity for an attorney who is personable, hardworking, and looking to grow in a fast-paced, years of experience in municipal law, in...
Law Firm is Seeking an... Education & Municipal Law Attorney Law... Firm... experience in education and municipal law, including redevelopment, real... estate,... Here are some of the key qualifications that Law Firm is looking for... in a candidate:...
Law Firm Seeks Education &... Municipal Law Attorney Law... Firm... experience in education and municipal law including redevelopment, real... estate,... and procurement. The successful candidate must possess excellent critical thinking, research, and writing skills. He or she must also...
Travel Allowance Law Firm is looking for... Public Finance Attorney Law Firm is looking for... years of experience in municipal law and public finance... transactions,... including detailed analysis of... tax issues related to Section 103 of the...
Environmental Land Use and Government Attorney... position with a well-established law firm, **MEMBERS ONLY**SIGN UP NOW***.,... firm specializes in areas such as Government & Regulatory Affairs, Employment Law, Workers’ Compensation, Personal... Injury,... and Family Law. - The ideal candidate... will h...