Attorney in Raleigh, NC


Raleigh, NC, United States

Attorney in Raleigh, NC

Non-practicing Attorney

Min 5 yrs required


Asset and Wealth Management - Tax Senior Manager
The candidate will get the opportunity to help clients meet their tax obligations while managing the impact tax has on their business. Advise clients on their local and overseas tax affairs, while acting as a strategic consultant related to business analysis, managing working capital, and profit sharing for partners. Help organisations understand the pricing implications of goods and services between related parties, as well as providing advice on tax implications of deals. Help clients with their tax structuring while helping to address the challenges of the continuously changing tax world, both locally and globally. Encourage everyone to have a voice and invite opinion from all, including quieter members of the team. Deal effectively with ambiguous and unstructured problems and situations. Initiate open and candid coaching conversations at all levels. Move easily between big picture thinking and managing relevant detail. Anticipate stakeholder needs, and develop and discuss potential solutions, even before the stakeholder realises they are required. Contribute technical knowledge in area of specialism. Contribute to an environment where people and technology thrive together to accomplish more than they could apart. Navigate the complexities of cross-border and/or diverse teams and engagements. Initiate and lead open conversations with teams, clients and stakeholders to build trust.


Jan 02, 2025
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