Summer Associate in Washington, DC

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Law Firm

Washington, DC, United States

Summer Associate in Washington, DC

Summer Associate


Summer Program
The candidate will contribute on multiple levels, participating in most important deals and disputes. Program includes a host of social events, both formal and informal, that are designed to nurture relationships among the class and attorneys, as well as foster an understanding of the Firm’s intangible characteristics. Summer associates work side-by-side with partners and associates on complex client projects. These work assignments develop and refine research, writing and legal analysis skills. Summer associates learn first-hand about trying cases, drafting motions and agreements, negotiating effectively, and closing deals. Typical assignments for summer associates include writing briefs, motions, contracts and client memoranda; assisting in drafting and negotiation sessions; assisting with taking and defending depositions, as well as witness preparation; attending critical meetings; and performing due diligence in corporate transactions. Summer associates also participate in frequent formal training programs to supplement their hands-on experience. Seminars and training sessions are geared to summer associates’ needs, including seminars on legal writing and mock depositions. Summer associates are also always invited to the Firm’s general Continuing Legal Education seminars (an ongoing bar requirement for lawyers) and other Firm-wide training programs. Summer associates can arrive on various dates in May and then depart in early August, spending at least eight weeks at the Firm. Typically, summer associates work from 10 to 12 weeks at the Firm.


Feb 20, 2025
Jul 27, 2020
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