Part-time Legal Content Writer

Part-time 2235 views 2 applications


Denver, CO, United States

Part-time Legal Content Writer




Part-Time Legal Content Writer The candidate should be knowledgeable writers to create factual, compelling, and well-written content for the web. Responsible for the creation of blog posts and practice area pages. Legal knowledge and the ability to research unfamiliar topics is crucial. Writing web-friendly legal content (no run-on sentences, long paragraphs, or advanced vocabulary). Editing yours and others writing using grammatical knowledge and a variety of tools. Researching topics if necessary. Bachelor’s degree (preferably in English or Communications, but all with writing abilities are welcome to apply). Either pursuing a Juris Doctorate or recently graduated. Strong writing abilities. Editing abilities. Receptive to feedback. High attention to detail. Eagerness to learn.


Hiring Coordinator
Juris Digital
1415 Park Ave West,
Denver, CO 80205

Nov 19, 2024
Aug 06, 2024
Dec 27, 2019
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