New York City, NY, United States
Early Career Special Investigation Unit Attorney
embrace the excitement of constant challenges and victories in this dynamic role! key responsibilities conduct special investigation unit examinations under oath and prepare reports contacts clients to discuss their case and answer any questions review new file assignments, all documentary evidence and approve initial pleadings, propounds discovery, and develop strategy investigate and pursue subrogation litigation, as appropriate conduct settlements/dispositive proceedings (e. ) conduct depositions and examinations under oath and prepares summary documents prepares witnesses and clients for depositions, arbitrations, mediations, and trials including expert witnesses try and/or arbitrate cases and prepares motions and summary documents in liminie keep claim business partners updated on status (initial client contact, initial litigation plan, recurring contacts, strategy conferences, and pre-trial, etc
Hiring Coordinator
Allstate Insurance Company,
7520 Astoria Boulevard
Suite 320
New York City, NY 11370-1100
Jun 23, 2025
Mar 10, 2025
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