Attorney III (Hybrid)



Madera, CA, United States

Attorney III (Hybrid)


California Department of Health Care Services Office of Legal Services
Company Review



the attorney ill has the ability to complete work on an expedited basis with minimal supervision in time and politically-sensitive situations. have questions and/or need assistance? contact recruit@dhcs. have questions and/or need assistance? contact, we are here to help walk you through the state hiring process! this position is subject to the department's conflict of interest code and filing a statement of economic interests (form 700) when assuming office, annually while in office, and upon leaving office. the attorney iii has the ability to function under pressure in time- and politically-sensitive situations and to complete work on an expedited basis with minimal supervision. submit your application package with all required documents, which include the resume, recent writing sample, and cover letter - see the "required application package documents" section below. final filing date: 2/26/2025 who may apply individuals who are currently in the classification, eligible for lateral transfer, eligible for reinstatement, have list or leap eligibility, are in the process of obtaining list eligibility, or have sroa and/or surplus eligibility (please attach your letter, if available). application packages may be submitted electronically through your calcareer account at www. if you choose to not apply electronically, a hard copy application package may be submitted through an alternative method listed below: address for mailing application packages you may submit your application and any applicable or required documents to: department of health care services mailing attn: certification technician jc-466380 m. applicants who do not submit the required items timely may not be considered for this job: current version of the state examination/employment application std form 678 (when not applying electronically), or the electronic state employment application through your applicant account at www. resume is required and must be included. other - cover letter is required and must be included. applicants who do not include the required cover letter may not be considered. the request should be made at the time of contact to schedule the interview. questions regarding reasonable accommodations may be directed to the eeo contact listed on this job posting. contact information the hiring unit contact is available to answer questions regarding the position or application process. hiring unit contact: tanya campa (916) 345-8959 tanya. hiring unit contact: tanya campa (916) 345-8959 please direct requests for reasonable accommodations to the interview scheduler at the time the interview is being scheduled. eeo contact: eeo officer (916) 440-7370 civilrights@dhcs. eeo contact: eeo officer (916) 440-7370 california relay service: 1-800-735-2929 (tty), 1-800-735-2922 (voice) tty is a telecommunications device for the deaf, and is reachable only from phones equipped with a tty device. surplus/sroa candidates should submit a copy of their letter with their application. if applying electronically, please note that calcareers no longer allows applicants to withdraw their applications. if you need assistance to withdraw your application, please contact the recruitment section at recruit@dhcs. if you need assistance to withdraw your application, please contact the recruitment section at for all other questions regarding your calcareer account, please contact calhr’s calcareers unit at (866) 844-8671 or calcareer@calhr. gov for all other questions regarding your calcareer account, please contact calhr’s calcareers unit at (866) 844-8671 or equal opportunity employer the state of california is an equal opportunity employer to all, regardless of age, ancestry, color, disability (mental and physical), exercising the right to family care and medical leave, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, military or veteran status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religious creed, sex (includes pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and related medical conditions), and sexual orientation. typically, an incumbent analyzes legal problems; does routine legal research; prepares drafts of legal documents, briefs, reports, resolutions and legislative measures; ascertains the last amended form of the statutory law on a given subject; compiles, annotates, and indexes provisions of law and of legislative measures; serves legal papers; assists in answering court calendars; secures information regarding court decisions; assists in the work of a law library; keeps records and indexes of legal cases; prepares and dictates correspondence. assignments typically consist of negotiations, legislative liaison, hearings, legal research, and opinion/brief drafting; rendering legal advice and opinions to departmental management; responding to challenging legal correspondence; developing strategy and tactics in complex disputes or litigation; and may include acting in a lead capacity over other attorneys and staff. work at this level involves innovative theories, practices of law, specialization in an area of law overseen by or involving the department, and requiring contact with the legislature, high level gubernatorial appointees, constitutional officers, or their designee, and/or the general public. ability to: reason logically; analyze situations accurately and adopt an effective course of action. ability to: research; analyze, appraise, and apply legal principles, facts, and precedents to legal problems; analyze situations accurately and adopt an effective course of action; prepare and present statements of fact, law, and argument clearly and logically in written and oral form; prepare correspondence and memoranda involving the explanation of legal matters; draft opinions, pleadings, rulings, regulations, and legislation; negotiate effectively and conduct crucial litigation; work cooperatively with a variety of individuals, organizations and maintain the confidence and respect of others; independently present difficult and complex cases before administrative law judges; prepare, present, and handle legal cases; direct the work of clerical and professional assistants; edit written documents written by oneself, as well as those produced by others, for accuracy and effectiveness; analyze situations accurately and adopt an effective course of action; reason logically; exercise good judgment; effectively plan and engage in discovery, including depositions and interrogatories, and to compel production or attendance of/at same; independently prepare and present difficult and complex cases before boards, commissions, trial courts, and appellate courts; independently present difficult and complex cases before administrative bodies. applicant information name: calcareer id: address: phone: job information job control: jc-466380 classification: attorney iii department: department of health care services location: united states tenure/timebase: permanent fulltime filing deadline: 2/26/2025 required items indicate if you have included or completed each item listed. item requisite complete job application package checklist required employment application form (std678) required other required other required resume required


Hiring Coordinator
California Department of Health Care Services Office of Legal Services
1620 Sunride Ave
Madera, CA 93638

Jun 02, 2025
Feb 17, 2025
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