Assistant District Attorney

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New York City, NY, United States

Assistant District Attorney


Min 4 yrs required



Assistant District Attorney The candidate will work in the Violent Criminal Enterprises Unit. Act as liaison to trial bureau ADAs handling gang-related violent crime and firearms offenses that implicate interstate trafficking. Investigate cases using various types of legal process (subpoenas, court orders, search warrants, and/or eavesdropping warrants), cooperating defendants, and traditional and electronic surveillance. Prepare and file pleadings, handle discovery, brief and argue motions, and conduct grand jury presentations and trials. Work with a variety of law enforcement partners, including the NYPD, ATF, and DEA. Assist attorneys in other bureaus with questions related to gang-related violent crime, firearms offenses, and related topics. Must have 4+ years of experience. Trial experience is required. Experience conducting analysis of video evidence and managing proactive investigative work is a plus. Prosecutorial experience at DANY as well as knowledge of and experience in DANY operations and processes will be considered.


Hiring Coordinator
Manhattan District Attorney's Office
163 West 125th Street
New York City, NY 10027

Oct 31, 2024
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 30, 2022
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