Legal Intern

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Boston, MA, United States

Legal Intern

Law Student

Energy and Environmental Affairs - Massachusetts
Company Review



preferred qualifications: strong organizational skills, writing skills, and written and verbal communication skills strong interpersonal skills, ability to maintain effective working relationships demonstrated ability to plan, prioritize, and collaborate with colleagues to accomplish assigned work objectives to meet a deadline ability to read and comprehend statutes and regulations ability to conduct independent research interest in gaining legal experience in energy and public administration law independent judgment in decision-making and ability to draft and support legal analysis other information hours per week: part time – 15-20 hours per week location: hybrid – required to be at the boston office at lease 1 day per week hourly wage: contracted student internship compensation up to $23/hour for college undergraduate students and up to $35/hour for graduate students internship duration: february/march through june please provide a resume and a cover letter describing your interest in the position as attachments marked “as relevant” to your application. 00 hourly if you have diversity, affirmative action or equal employment opportunity questions or need a reasonable accommodation, please contact diversity officer / ada coordinator: melixa g esenyie - 6176261282 bargaining unit: non confidential: no potentially eligible for a hybrid work schedule: yes


Melixa G Esenyie
Energy and Environmental Affairs - Massachusetts
100 Cambridge St.
Suite 900
Boston, MA 02114
Fax: 617-626-1180

Jun 16, 2025
Mar 03, 2025
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