Fall Internship

Full-time 250 views 2 applications


Brooklyn, NY, United States

Fall Internship

Law Student



Fall Internship Interns will witness the day to day delivery of services to constituents and other field activities that are essential to my work in Congress. Will include research for constituents, assisting with Congressional events, answering phones, writing letters and other general office duties. Must be high school graduates who are enrolled in or have recently graduated from an accredited post-secondary educational institution, college or university. Fluency in a second language is desirable. Must be a mature, professional manner who are well-organized, efficient and self-motivated. Schedule: Flexible

Send resume and cover letter. In application, include the semester and dates would be available to intern.


Frieda Menos
Intern Coordinator
Congressman Hakeem Jeffries
445 Neptune Avenue, 1st Floor
Community Room 2C
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Phone: 718-373 - 0033

Jun 26, 2025
Mar 13, 2025
Nov 22, 2020

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