Health Care Attorney

Full-time 69 views

Law Firm

Rochester, NY, United States

Health Care Attorney




Health Care Attorney The candidate will be advising and representing health care providers and entities on transactional matters, formation of health care entities, and regulatory compliance (HIPAA, Fraud & Abuse, Stark, AKS). Advising and representing providers in interactions with federal and state agencies, including regulatory audits, investigations, and eligibility issues. Reviewing and drafting documents for providers including compliance plans, vendor service agreements, employment & independent contractor agreements, and confidentiality agreements. Assisting clients with the collection of debts. Presenting seminars on health care law to clients and community groups. Desire to practice in health care is required.


Hiring Coordinator
Law Offices of Pullano & Farrow PLLC
69 Cascade Drive
Suite 307
Rochester, NY 14614

Dec 25, 2024
Sep 11, 2024
Jan 22, 2022
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