Court Commissioner

Full-time 106 views


Seattle, WA, United States

Court Commissioner


Min 5 yrs required



Court Commissioner Duties: Assist with case load backlog resulting from the current health pandemic. This backlog includes presiding over small claim and infraction matters scheduled on night court calendars (6-9 .).

Send resume and a cover letter or letter of interest.

Qualification and Experience Qualifications: Registered to vote in King County. A Member of the Washington State Bar Association in good standing. 5+ years of civil or criminal experience and shall have a demonstrated knowledge of policies, procedures, and laws pertaining to the operation of King County District Court. Ability to objectively identify, analyze and interpret legal issues, principles, and arguments; direct and control courtroom proceedings in a decisive, orderly and equitable manner, communicate orally and in writing in a concise and effective manner, exercise appropriate judicial temperament and demeanor, and effectively handle pressure in difficult and unexpected situations by responding in a calm and rational manner. Ability to effectively manage a high-volume court calendar including the requisite reading and preparation.


Hiring Coordinator
King County District Court.
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104-2312

Jun 10, 2025
Feb 25, 2025
Oct 19, 2021
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