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ThyssenKrupp AG

Main Office: P.O. Box, 45063 Essen | Essen | Nordrhein-Westfalen |

Phone: 49-201-8440 | Fax: 201-844-536000

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ThyssenKrupp AG: Where Passion and Technological Expertise Meet ThyssenKrupp AG is a diversified industrial group that boasts a rich history and a promising future. With a presence in nearly 80 countries and a workforce of approximately 155,000 employees, ThyssenKrupp is a global leader in materials, capital goods, and services businesses. The company's commitment to excellence and innovation is evident in its high-quality products, intelligent industrial processes, and sustainable services. At ThyssenKrupp, employees are the driving force behind the company's success. Their skills and dedication form the foundation upon which the company thrives. With a focus on fostering a culture of passion and technological expertise, ThyssenKrupp provides its employees with an exciting and fulfilling work environment. One of the key reasons why working at ThyssenKrupp is so exciting is the company's engineering expertise in the areas of Mechanical, Plant, and Materials. This expertise enables the company's customers to gain a competitive edge in the global market and manufacture innovative products in a cost- and resource-friendly manner. As an employee, being part of a company that is at the forefront of technological advancements and cutting-edge solutions can be truly exhilarating. Furthermore, ThyssenKrupp's commitment to technical progress and innovation sets it apart from its competitors. The company understands the importance of staying ahead of the curve and continuously adapting to the ever-changing global sales markets. By embracing development trends and investing in research and development, ThyssenKrupp ensures that its employees are always at the forefront of industry advancements. This not only enhances their skillset but also provides them with opportunities for personal and professional growth. The combined strength of the ThyssenKrupp Group is another factor that makes working at the company exciting. With a diverse portfolio of businesses, ThyssenKrupp is able to leverage its resources and expertise to generate strong and stable earnings, cash flows, and value growth. As an employee, being part of a company that has a solid financial foundation and a clear vision for the future can provide a sense of security and stability. ThyssenKrupp's global presence is yet another aspect that adds excitement to working for the company. With operations in nearly 80 countries, employees have the opportunity to work on international projects and collaborate with colleagues from different cultural backgrounds. This global exposure not only broadens their horizons but also allows them to develop a global mindset and gain valuable cross-cultural communication skills. In addition to these factors, ThyssenKrupp's commitment to sustainability is commendable. The company recognizes the importance of responsible business practices and strives to minimize its environmental impact. As an employee, being part of a company that prioritizes sustainability can be incredibly fulfilling, as it allows individuals to contribute to a greater cause and make a positive impact on the world. In conclusion, working at ThyssenKrupp AG can be an exciting and rewarding experience for employees. The company's diversified portfolio, engineering expertise, commitment to technical progress and innovation, combined strength of the Group, global presence, and focus on sustainability all contribute to creating a dynamic and fulfilling work environment. As an employee, being part of a company that values passion and technological expertise can provide endless opportunities for growth, development, and personal satisfaction.