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JH Capital Group

Main Office: 5757 Phantom Drive, Suite 225 | Hazelwood | MO | 63042

Phone: 314-442-7500 | Fax: 314-442-7501

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Unlocking Excitement: Discover the Thrills of Working at JH Capital Group In the fast-paced world of distressed consumer debt purchasing and collection, JH Capital Group stands tall as a leader. With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to maximizing collections from distressed portfolios, this company offers an exhilarating and rewarding work environment for its employees. Let's delve into the captivating world of JH Capital Group and explore why working here can be an exciting adventure. JH Capital Group, with its headquarters in Los Angeles, CA, and St. Louis, MO, boasts an impressive presence across the United States, with seven locations and a workforce of approximately three hundred and twenty employees. This expansive reach allows the company to tap into a diverse range of opportunities and collaborate with some of the largest financial institutions and top debt purchasers in the country. As a result, employees at JH Capital Group are exposed to a dynamic and ever-evolving industry, where they can learn from industry experts and gain invaluable insights into the world of distressed consumer debt. One of the most thrilling aspects of working at JH Capital Group is the company's focus on purchasing distressed portfolios of defaulted consumer receivables at deep discounts to the original loan amount. This strategic approach not only presents an exciting challenge for employees but also offers them the opportunity to make a significant impact on the company's success. By utilizing a variety of operational channels, JH Capital Group maximizes collections from these portfolios, ensuring that employees are constantly engaged in finding innovative solutions to achieve optimal results. The verticals in which JH Capital Group operates further contribute to the excitement and diversity of the work environment. With a primary focus on credit card, healthcare, government, junior lien, healthcare, and student loan portfolios, employees are exposed to a wide range of industries and gain a comprehensive understanding of various sectors. This exposure not only enhances their professional expertise but also broadens their horizons, making their work experience at JH Capital Group truly enriching and fulfilling. JH Capital Group's commitment to its employees' growth and development is another factor that adds to the excitement of working here. The company recognizes that its success is built on the skills and dedication of its workforce. Therefore, it invests in comprehensive training programs and provides ongoing support to ensure that employees have the tools they need to excel in their roles. This commitment to personal and professional growth not only fosters a sense of fulfillment but also creates a vibrant and motivated workforce, where every individual is encouraged to reach their full potential. Furthermore, the company's dedication to fostering a positive and inclusive work culture is evident in its employee-centric policies and initiatives. JH Capital Group values diversity and believes in creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected. This commitment to inclusivity not only enhances employee satisfaction but also promotes collaboration and innovation, making the workplace an exciting hub of ideas and creativity. In conclusion, JH Capital Group offers an exhilarating and rewarding work environment for its employees. With its leadership position in the distressed consumer debt purchasing and collection industry, diverse portfolio verticals, and commitment to employee growth and development, this company provides an exciting platform for professionals to thrive. Joining the JH Capital Group team means embarking on a thrilling journey where every day brings new challenges, opportunities, and the chance to make a significant impact in the world of distressed consumer debt.