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ATA Services, Inc

Main Office: 165 S Union Blvd., Ste. 350 | Lakewood | CO | 80228

Phone: 303-278-9900 | Fax: 303-278-7500

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Headline: ATA Services, Inc: Empowering Employees through Exciting Opportunities Description: ATA Services, Inc. (ATA) is a leading administrative and technical support services provider to Federal, State, and Local governments across the United States. With over 16 years of experience, this Hispanic and veteran-owned firm has established itself as a trusted partner in staffing and managing various projects for clients nationwide. ATA's unique capability lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate its services with those of its clients while maintaining a clear client-contractor separation. This approach has not only fostered strong relationships but has also enabled ATA to develop and implement effective solutions in support of its clients' program goals. What sets ATA apart is its commitment to creating an exciting and fulfilling work environment for its employees. By offering a range of meaningful opportunities, ATA ensures that its workforce remains engaged, motivated, and empowered. One of the key benefits of working at ATA is the opportunity to contribute to the success of important government projects. Whether it's supporting Federal agencies in their mission to enhance national security or assisting State and Local governments in delivering essential services to their communities, ATA employees play a crucial role in shaping the future of our nation. ATA also recognizes the importance of professional growth and development. The company provides its employees with access to a wide range of training programs and resources to enhance their skills and knowledge. From technical certifications to leadership development initiatives, ATA invests in its employees' growth, enabling them to reach their full potential. In addition to professional development, ATA values work-life balance. The company understands that employees perform at their best when they have time for personal pursuits and family commitments. With flexible work arrangements and generous leave policies, ATA ensures that its employees can achieve a healthy work-life integration. Furthermore, ATA fosters a culture of diversity and inclusion. As a Hispanic and veteran-owned firm, the company celebrates the unique perspectives and experiences that each employee brings to the table. By embracing diversity, ATA creates an inclusive environment where all employees feel valued and respected. ATA also recognizes the importance of giving back to the community. Through its corporate social responsibility initiatives, the company encourages employees to participate in volunteer activities and support causes they are passionate about. This not only strengthens the bond between employees but also allows them to make a positive impact beyond their professional roles. In conclusion, ATA Services, Inc. offers employees an exciting and fulfilling work experience. With its proven track record, commitment to professional growth, emphasis on work-life balance, and dedication to diversity and inclusion, ATA empowers its employees to thrive in their careers while making a meaningful difference in the communities they serve.