Becoming a Legal Pro: Thriving in and after Law School
The path to becoming a legal professional is both challenging and rewarding. For those who aspire to embark on...
24 viewsThe path to becoming a legal professional is both challenging and rewarding. For those who aspire to embark on...
24 viewsGraduating from law school is an exciting milestone that marks the completion of years of hard work and...
76 viewsAs a law school graduate, transitioning from being a student to becoming a practicing attorney is a...
56 viewsOne of the most important steps in any lawyer's legal career is graduating from law school and passing the...
222 viewsMany attorneys who have not done so great in law school or have received their education from an uncredited...
589 viewsPersonal branding has always been out there, but it has become a better defined and an increasingly popular...
93 viewsLining up good references is crucial. No matter how qualified you may appear legal hiring managers know that...
828 viewsLet’s face it. Hardly anyone stays at the same company forever. Eventually the bigger, better deal comes...
1616 viewsNo matter what type of job you’re applying for, it’s likely that you’ll be required to submit a list of...
145 viewsWe all know what happens when May comes around: the safety net of law school tears away and you plummet into...
32 views"Business types spend way too much time-and words-trying to sound smart and important in their...
9 viewsKnowing yourself doesn’t require five- to 10-years of professional experience—just a little introspection.
13 viewsSummary: There are grueling aspects to law school, one of which is getting placed on a law school’s waiting...
5546 viewsSummary: Sure, every attorney wants to make $190,000 a year. However, not every attorney has the capacity to...
1565 viewsSummary: Law school can cost five to six figures along with three brutal years of your life. So what assures...
7367 viewsSummary: Should you really put yourself in five to six figures of debt by going to law school?
1422 viewsSummary: Declining bar exam passage rates are having a negative impact on law practice.
1237 viewsSummary: There are many steps one has to take to prepare for the bar. This guide can help you with these...
4076 viewsSummary: The time is now to buckle down your bar exam studying efforts so that you can blow the bar exam out...
1058 viewsSummary: Do you want to be considered next year for a biglaw summer associate job? Find out how to get a...
8779 viewsThe growth spurt in online retail shopping lead to online start-ups such as Affirm, which allow consumers the...
24 viewsSummary: While we are not saying you will fail the bar exam, we don’t want you to give up if you end up...
16207 viewsSummary: After graduating law school, the time has come to take the bar. Here are 8 bar review courses...
23942 viewsSummary: Law school graduates are starting to see an increase in employment numbers despite the fact that...
111 viewsSummary: Want to work in public interest law but are struggling to make your monthly student loan payments?...
4320 viewsSummary: Before taking the bar exam, follow these seven tips to increase your chances of passing.
2034 viewsSummary: Preparing for the bar exam takes hard work and dedication. Here is one man's experience preparing and...
4049 viewsIllinois state bar exam results have been released. Like much of the rest of the country, the state saw a...
4532 viewsSummary: The results are out for the 2014 New York Bar Exam, and they have hit a record low. 12 of the 15...
285 viewsSummary:California bar results came out on Friday, and their pass rates have dropped with the 2014...