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Strong Job Market for Law Graduates in 2023, but Racial Disparities Persist

published October 18, 2024

By Author - LawCrossing

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Strong Job Market for Law Graduates in 2023, but Racial Disparities Persist

Despite a booming job market for law graduates in 2023, racial and ethnic disparities in employment rates continue to be a significant issue, according to a report released by the National Association for Law Placement (NALP). While employment gaps narrowed for some minority groups, the divide between white and Latino graduates grew compared to the previous year.

Bar Admission Jobs Highlight Glaring Disparities


The most pronounced disparities are seen in legal positions requiring bar admission, often viewed as the benchmark for a successful legal career. Data reveals that 84% of white law graduates secured these roles within 10 months of graduation. In contrast, only 73% of Black, Native American, and Alaska Native graduates found similar positions. Latino graduates also lagged, with just 80% securing these jobs, while Asian graduates achieved a slightly higher rate at 81%. The lowest rate was among Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander graduates, with only 67% obtaining bar-required jobs.

Overall Employment Rates by Race and Ethnicity


When expanding the scope to all types of jobs (not just those requiring bar passage), white law graduates enjoyed a 94% overall employment rate in 2023. For minority groups, the numbers were lower: 89% for Black graduates, 91% for both Latino and Asian graduates, and 88% for Native American and Alaska Native graduates.

Urgent Call to Address Systemic Inequities

NALP Executive Director Nikia Gray emphasized the importance of addressing these disparities. She pointed out the ongoing need to dismantle systemic inequities that hinder graduates of color from achieving equitable employment outcomes. Gray also highlighted that efforts to combat discrimination are increasingly under threat.

Job Market Reaches Record-High Employment Levels


Despite these disparities, the job market for 2023 law graduates was exceptionally strong. NALP data shows that 92.6% of all graduates landed jobs within 10 months, marking the highest employment rate since the organization began tracking these numbers in 1974. Additionally, over 82% of graduates were employed in bar-passage-required positions, and the overall unemployment rate was a mere 5.8%, the lowest since 2007.


Disparities in Judicial Clerkships


Racial and ethnic gaps also extended to clerkship positions. Although graduates of color made up about a third of the 2023 class, they secured just 25% of all clerkships. The figure was even lower for prestigious federal clerkships, with only 24% going to graduates of color.

These findings underscore the persistent challenges faced by minority law graduates, even in a record-setting job market.

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