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 Two Mayer Brown Bankruptcy Experts Join Jenner & Block

published October 16, 2024

By Author - LawCrossing

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 Two Mayer Brown Bankruptcy Experts Join Jenner & Block


Jenner & Block Strengthens Bankruptcy Team


Chicago-based law firm Jenner & Block announced on Wednesday the addition of two bankruptcy partners from Mayer Brown, a fellow leading law firm. Among the new hires is Doug Spelfogel, who co-led Mayer Brown’s New York restructuring practice, and Derek Wright, based in Chicago. The two attorneys will assume their roles as partners at Jenner, with Spelfogel also taking on the responsibility of co-chairing the firm's bankruptcy and restructuring division.


 Spelfogel’s Shift to Jenner & Block


Spelfogel’s legal career has evolved over the years, with a particular focus on bankruptcy litigation. Previously managing a mix of bankruptcy-related deals and litigation, his work now concentrates almost entirely on bankruptcy litigation. His extensive experience includes leading roles in major corporate bankruptcies, such as JCPenney and American Airlines, as well as representing high-profile clients in complex cases.


 Spelfogel's Role in Major Bankruptcies


One of Spelfogel’s most notable contributions was representing Irving Picard, the court-appointed trustee responsible for unraveling Bernie Madoff’s infamous $65 billion Ponzi scheme. His legal acumen has also been evident in his role representing Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund (PAX), the largest creditor in the bankruptcy case of Chinese entrepreneur Guo Wengui. Guo was convicted of fraud involving hundreds of millions of dollars.


 Wright's Strategic Move to Jenner


Derek Wright, who joined Spelfogel at Mayer Brown in 2021 after both left Foley & Lardner, brings significant expertise in restructuring and bankruptcy matters. Wright’s move strengthens Jenner & Block’s team in Chicago, complementing Spelfogel’s contributions in New York. Together, they represent a significant enhancement of Jenner’s capacity to handle high-profile and complex bankruptcy cases.


 Mayer Brown Yet to Comment


Mayer Brown has not yet commented on the departure of Spelfogel and Wright. Their exit marks a shift in the landscape of New York and Chicago’s bankruptcy law sectors, signaling the growing prominence of Jenner & Block’s restructuring practice.

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