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Connecticut Opens Bar Exam to Purdue Global Law Grads

published October 10, 2024

By Author - LawCrossing

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Connecticut Opens Bar Exam to Purdue Global Law Grads

Pioneering Online Legal Education

Purdue Global Law School, the first completely online law school, has reached another milestone as Connecticut becomes the third state to permit its graduates to take the bar exam. Following California and Indiana, the Connecticut Bar Examining Committee voted on October 4 to allow Purdue Global graduates to sit for the bar beginning in February 2025. This decision reflects the growing acceptance of online law programs as states consider new standards for legal education and licensure.

Navigating ABA Standards for Online Programs

The American Bar Association (ABA) continues to restrict accreditation to law schools with physical campuses, meaning only brick-and-mortar institutions can offer accredited Juris Doctor (JD) programs. Since Purdue Global is not ABA-accredited, its graduates were previously limited to states like California, which allows graduates from state-accredited institutions to take the bar exam. Indiana also adapted its admission rules in 2024, permitting graduates from non-ABA-accredited schools to take the bar if they meet eligibility requirements in another state, such as California. While this opens pathways in specific jurisdictions, most states remain off-limits for graduates of fully online programs due to the ABA's current standards.

Connecticut’s Temporary Approval Window

Connecticut’s decision grants a limited three-year window for Purdue Global law graduates to take the bar exam. According to Martin Pritikin, the dean and vice president of Purdue Global Law School, this opportunity applies to graduates from the 2023 academic year onward. Pritikin emphasized that the decision was made after careful review of the school’s petition and the bar pass rates of its graduates. The approval is a significant development in the ongoing effort to gain wider recognition for online legal education.

Overcoming Challenges to Gain Recognition

Pritikin’s campaign to secure Connecticut’s approval began over seven years ago. The state initially rejected his petition, but changes in legal education, including the school’s 2020 accreditation by the State Bar of California and the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on remote learning, have shifted perspectives. Unlike most states, Connecticut’s Bar Examining Committee has the authority to approve law school graduates for the exam without involving the state supreme court. This streamlined process helped pave the way for the committee’s recent decision.

Expanding Beyond Connecticut

In addition to Connecticut, Purdue Global is actively seeking approval in other states. Pritikin has submitted petitions to Utah and Nevada, aiming to modify restrictions that prevent online law school graduates from sitting for the bar. These efforts include reducing or eliminating lengthy practice requirements for attorneys from other states before they can take the bar exam locally. Additionally, Pritikin plans to revisit Michigan, where a similar proposal was rejected several years ago. The overall goal is to continue chipping away at state-by-state barriers that limit access to legal licensure for graduates of fully online programs.

ABA’s Debate Over Online Accreditation

The ABA remains undecided on whether to fully accredit online law schools. In 2024, proposed revisions to ABA Standards 102 and 306 were met with opposition from 26 law school deans. Concerns over bar passage rates and employment outcomes for online graduates prompted calls for further research before the ABA takes action. Before any changes can be made, the ABA must gather input from both the legal and higher education communities, draft specific rules, and open a public comment period. Ultimately, the decision to accredit online law programs will be made by the ABA’s House of Delegates after these preliminary steps are completed.

The Future of Online Legal Education

As more states like Connecticut adapt their bar exam rules, the landscape for online legal education is gradually shifting. While Purdue Global’s achievements in states like California, Indiana, and Connecticut mark significant progress, the road to nationwide recognition remains long. ABA accreditation, in particular, is a critical issue that will determine how widely online law degrees are accepted across the U.S. For now, Purdue Global continues to advocate for expanded opportunities and reduced barriers, one state at a time.
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