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Former Chicago U.S. Attorney John Lausch Joins Kirkland & Ellis as Partner in Government Practice Group

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published May 18, 2023

By Author - LawCrossing

Former Chicago U.S. Attorney John Lausch Joins Kirkland & Ellis as Partner in Government Practice Group

Kirkland & Ellis announced Monday that former Chicago U.S. attorney John Lausch has returned to the firm as a partner in its government, regulatory, and internal investigations practice group. Lausch recently stepped down from his position as the top federal prosecutor in Chicago in March, having been nominated by former President Donald Trump in 2017.

Attorney General Merrick Garland initially disclosed in January that Lausch would be leaving his post. While Lausch was flattered to have been offered the opportunity to continue serving through the Biden administration with the support of Illinois' Democratic senators, he ultimately decided to depart for personal and career-related reasons. Upon assuming office, President Biden requested the resignation of most other U.S. attorneys appointed during the Trump era.

Lausch has a history with Kirkland, having been an associate at the firm from 1997 to 1999 and later a partner from 2010 to 2017. Before joining the firm, he served as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Northern District of Illinois for approximately 11 years, from 1999 to 2010.

United States
During his earlier tenure at Kirkland, Lausch notably represented BP Plc in matters related to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the subsequent investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice. He anticipated working on government investigations and handling cases involving the False Claims Act, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, healthcare fraud, and environmental issues.
Several former Chicago U.S. attorneys have transitioned from public service to roles within prominent law firms. For instance, John Lausch's predecessor, Zachary Fardon, became a member of King & Spalding in 2017 and currently heads their government matters practice.

Patrick Fitzgerald, Chicago's longest-serving U.S. attorney until 2012, joined Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. However, Fitzgerald recently departed from Skadden in March.
Gain an advantage in your legal job search. LawCrossing uncovers hidden positions that firms post on their own websites and industry-specific job boards—jobs that never appear on Indeed or LinkedIn. Don't miss out. Sign up now!

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