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Alvin Bragg: The First Black Manhattan District Attorney's Controversial Tenure

published March 27, 2023

By Author - LawCrossing

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Alvin Bragg: The First Black Manhattan District Attorney's Controversial Tenure
Alvin Bragg, the first Black Manhattan district attorney, made history after winning a competitive Democratic primary and an easy general election in 2021. During his campaign, he promised to work towards making the office a progressive leader, and after winning the election, he started his tenure with controversy. He faced immediate backlash for his decision to avoid prosecuting fair beating, resisting arrest, and other non-violent crimes, mainly when New Yorkers were concerned about increased violent crime. Bragg quickly returned his memo and said he would focus on law, evidence, and facts rather than politics.
Since then, Bragg has been a target of conservative media and Republican officials who have called for his dismissal and even demanded his imprisonment. Despite the controversy, Bragg has a solid legal background, earning a law degree from Harvard and working under New York attorneys general Eliot Spitzer and Eric Schneiderman. He was also an assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York.

In December, Bragg achieved a significant milestone in his career when he won a conviction of the Trump Organization on tax fraud and conspiracy charges, marking a historic indictment of former President Donald Trump.
"The type of extensive fraud that deceives taxpayers should face harsher punishments," stated Bragg, emphasizing the significance of the Trump Organization's conviction of criminal charges. He added that this demonstrates Manhattan's commitment to maintaining a uniform standard of justice.
Despite this, Bragg remained undecided about whether to continue investigating Trump's hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels for a year. However, in January, he finally decided to convene a grand jury. This process may be the most defining moment of his career, as it appears to be drawing to a conclusion.
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