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Perkins Coie Implements Cost-Saving Measures, Increases Billable Hours, and Lays Off Staff

Most law firms avoid posting jobs on Indeed or LinkedIn due to high costs. Instead, they publish them on their own websites, bar association pages, and niche legal boards. LawCrossing finds these hidden jobs, giving you access to exclusive opportunities. Sign up now!

published March 01, 2023

By Author - LawCrossing

Perkins Coie Implements Cost-Saving Measures, Increases Billable Hours, and Lays Off Staff

Freshly reported is that Perkins Coie, a law firm that earned $1,155,565,000 in gross revenue in 2021 and ranked 42nd on the Am Law 100, has recently informed its associates of an increase in billable hours required to obtain their full bonus. Additionally, the firm has now implemented another cost-saving measure, which involves laying off 58 business professionals across its U.S. offices. The firm is offering a severance package to those who are affected, which includes severance pay, healthcare coverage cost assistance, mental health support through Lyra Health, outplacement services, a payout for unused paid time off, and sabbatical pay for eligible employees. In a firmwide memo obtained by Above the Law, Firmwide Managing Partner Bill Malley attributed the staff reduction to a combination of economic factors and technological advancements that have replaced once-manual functions.

The legal industry has shifted again over the past year. Like most law firms, we are navigating macroeconomic forces and market conditions that are driving up costs at a higher rate than revenue. Those conditions have forced us and other law firms to take steps to manage the rate of increase in expenses, while continuing to serve our clients at the highest level and to make investments that support the firm’s long-term growth.
United States
Beyond the immediate economic environment, we are navigating deep transformations in the workplace and in the way legal services are provided. As a firm, we operate more than ever in national teams that provide highly specialized support across time zones and locations. We use technology in new ways to deliver information more efficiently. We automate tasks that previously were manual. We build custom solutions tailored to client needs. We innovate in the way we price and deliver legal services. These changes compel us to transform our own business by re-thinking roles, restructuring departments, and re-imagining the way we work together to serve our clients.”
Malley emphasized that the staff reductions are aligned with the firm's commitment to providing exceptional service and ensuring the long-term sustainability and competitiveness of Perkins Coie. Furthermore, the firm plans to organize informational sessions to address any queries that its employees may have regarding the layoffs.
Gain an advantage in your legal job search. LawCrossing uncovers hidden positions that firms post on their own websites and industry-specific job boards—jobs that never appear on Indeed or LinkedIn. Don't miss out. Sign up now!

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