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Can I Work Freelance in the Legal Industry?

published September 21, 2020

By Author - LawCrossing

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More people are working from home than ever before. There are many reasons why this may suit many people. From skipping the morning commute to choosing your own hours, there is a lot of flexibility that comes with being a freelancer. But it can also be a lot of responsibility, which means that it might not be the best career for everyone.
Can I Work Freelance in the Legal Industry?

So, can you work freelance in the legal industry? You may be surprised to hear that the answer is yes. Instead of trying to find a job in the competitive world of law, you can use your education, skills and experience in a new way. Namely, you can start your very own legal business on a part-time or full-time basis.

What is a Freelancer?
If you are not familiar with exactly what a freelancer is, let us explain. Essentially, this is when you become your own boss. You will be working by yourself and be known as self-employed. A lot of the time, you will have to find your own work and find jobs with individuals and companies. You can operate in-person and online, with the major of your work done outside of a normal business setting. A lot of people work from home as a freelancer.
What are the Benefits of Becoming a Freelancer?
Working as a freelancer is very different from working in an office. Indeed, there is a lot of hard work that goes into being a successful freelancer. But the benefits often outweigh the negatives. Here are some of the advantages of taking this career path.
Avoid the busy Commute
If there is one thing that all employees hate it is the long commute to work. There is nothing worse than sitting in traffic at the start of the day and when you are trying to get home. In addition, filling your car with gas every day can become expensive. The good thing about working as a legal freelancer is that you no longer have this problem. You can choose where you work, as well as doing your job at home.
Be Your Own Boss
Do you hate having to answer to someone? Well, the good thing about becoming a freelancer is that you are now your own boss. Of course, this is a lot of responsibility and the pressure will not be for everyone. But if you are someone that thrives in competitive environments and with challenges, being a legal freelancer might be the career for you.
More Money Opportunities
When you work in a law firm, your pay check often stays the same for many years. Sure, you may enjoy slight increases and bonuses every now and again. But there is a change that you do not feel you are paid enough for how hard you work. When you work as a legal freelancer how much money you make is up to you. In other words, the harder you work, the more money you can earn. All of the money goes straight into your own pocket too.
Flexibility in Hours
Lawyers and those working in the legal industry are known for working long hours. This can cause a lot of stress and exhaustion. Indeed, you can end up working overtime and into the evenings. When you go freelance, you are in control of your working hours. There is a lot more flexibility and this can mean a better work-life balance. You can choose to work a few days a week or all weekend if you want to. If you concentrate better in the evenings, this can be your working hours. This is going to be up to you.
What Type of Legal Jobs Can a Freelancer Do?
If you already have a legal degree and some experience, you can take your pick when it comes to freelance jobs. You just have to be prepared to put in the hard work. Here are some legal jobs you can do as a freelancer.
A Freelance Legal Secretary
Believe it or not, a lot of law firms hire freelance legal secretaries instead of having one in the office. This type of role may also be referred to as a virtual legal assistant. Essentially, you will still play an important role in that law firm. This can include billing and scheduling, as well as document management. You can carry out the same administrative work but from the comfort of your own home. Some virtual legal assistants can also work on data entry and work processing. Each role will differ slightly, but you will be aware of this when you apply for that legal job.
A Legal Transcriptionist
Do you have legal transcription skills? This is something that you can offer as a freelancer. A lot of legal firms are outsourcing their transcription needs in order for them to be more cost efficient. The good news is that this is something that you can offer. You can simply be paid per transcription and the amount of time it takes you. Ensure that you clearly state your rates so that you can be paid for your hard work. Therefore, your job will be to transcribe various recordings from legal professionals and attorneys. The legal documents you create can be used in pleading and legal memoranda.
You will not need a lot of equipment to get started as a legal transcriptionist. When you are working from home, you will need a computer, transcription software, a headset and foot pedal.
A Legal Interpreter
There is always a need for legal interpreters in the United States. As a melting pot of different nationalities, there are going to be some people that cannot speak English entering the legal system. It is essential that they are able to have their say and know what is going in matters that concern them. This is when a legal interpreter comes in. You are able to provide an essential legal service, whether this is translation in a courtroom or over the internet. All major languages are going to be useful, including Spanish, French and Chinese.
A Virtual Paralegal
A lot of paralegals can now work behind a screen at home. They are referred to as a virtual paralegal and can assist lawyers with cases remotely. For example, duties will include carrying out legal research and drafting litigation documents. There might also be some electronic filings to complete.
A Legal Researcher
If you have an interest in legal research, this is also a job that is possible for you to do on a freelance basis and remotely from home. You can take on projects for lawyers and law firms, as well as for legal journals. In fact, there is no limit on who you can complete legal research for thanks to freelancing websites. This job is now made possible since a lot of legal resources are now available online. You may have to pay subscriptions to access some legal resources. But your expenses should be low when you are a legal freelancer.
A Contract Lawyer
If you have been in private practice for a while, you will know how demanding and stressful this can be. If you are looking for a change, consider becoming a contract lawyer. In other words, you can work on a contract basis and team up with law firms or employment agencies. This allows you to carry out legal work when you are needed. Something to realize is that you may be paid less than you would in private practice. However, a lot of people that are now contract lawyers say that it is better for their mental health. In particular, they have a much better work-life balance.
A Court Reporter
In the courtroom, there are more than just attorneys, the judge and jury. There are also legal professionals required to carry out reporting on what is going on in the case. This can include being present at depositions, arbitration sessions and other hearings, as well as in court. It is becoming more common for court reporters to go freelance. There are court reporting agencies that are going to provide you with a steady stream of work. Indeed, there is currently a shortage of court reporters across the country. This means that there is a lot of money to be made and you can be successful as a freelancer.
A Freelance Legal Nurse Consultant
It is possible to become a legal nurse consultant on a freelance basis. You may also hear this position called a nurse paralegal. Your duties involve assisting attorneys with medical cases that they have. You can be required to analyze medical records, carry out legal research or draft discovery requests. There is a lot of interesting work that you can do. Of course, it is possible to do this on a freelance basis. You can take on the cases that interest you and that suit your schedule. Again, freelance legal nurse consultants report having a good work-life balance and enjoy the freedom that this type of career can bring.
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