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The 11 Benefits of Studying Law

published September 21, 2020

By Author - LawCrossing

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Are you considering a career in law? With so many choices at university in today’s world, it can be difficult to select what degree you would like to attain. But if you are thinking about studying law, know that there are many advantages that make this degree stand out from the crowd. From earning a good salary to plenty of career opportunities, having a law degree really can make a difference for your career. Let’s take a look at the 10 benefits you can enjoy from studying law.
The 11 Benefits of Studying Law

A Vast Career Choice

If you think that you can only become a lawyer after university, then you are going to be very surprised! Studying law opens the doors to a lot of career options that you may not have considered before. It is a degree that is highly valued in a lot of different industries and it has transferable skills and knowledge that is going to be useful. So, you can aim to become a judge, attorney or paralegal, as well as venture into the finance sector and beyond if you change your mind. You are never going to be boxed in or limited when you have a legal degree.
A Healthy Salary
Everybody goes to university so that they can gain skills that allow them to get a better job. In particular, it is assumed that those who have a degree will earn more money in their career. Indeed, this is often the case for those that have studied law.
Normally, legal careers mean that you can look forward to financial rewards. After several years of study, your skills and knowledge are valued. This is true even if you do not stay in the legal industry. If you do choose to become a lawyer, some law firms pay $150,000 per year. This can increase significantly if you become a partner. While your starting salary can vary, after a few years of experience, firms are willing to pay a healthy salary to have you work for them. Ultimately, you can look forward to financial stability.
The good thing about a legal career is that you are not going to be stuck on the same salary for years. As you gain experience, you are always going to have more opportunities coming your way. You can move up in your law firm or start to look elsewhere for more financial rewards. There is plenty of room for growth.
Different Legal Options
There is not just one type of law that you have to practice. In fact, there are a variety of areas you can specialize in and you can choose one that interests you. For example, everybody knows that you can become a criminal lawyer after university. Of course, this can be a very interesting and rewarding career. You can work in criminal defense or choose to prosecute in court. While this can be a stressful area of law, a lot of lawyers love to work through problems and help their clients or the state.
However, do not forget about the other legal careers you can have. For example, you can specialize in immigration law or corporate law. At university, you will have the opportunity to explore what area of law interests you and that you can turn into a career. You do not always have to be a lawyer. You can be a paralegal without having to go through extra years of education.
A Challenging Career
If you are somebody that enjoys a challenge, you are going to love studying law, as well as the career it leads you to. Studying law takes a lot of hard work. It is one of the most difficult degrees you can get, with a lot of reading, writing and analysis required. You have to be committed and be prepared to dedicate your life to your studies.
As a lawyer, every day is also going to be full of different demands, from learning about case law to figuring out complicated statutes. You are going to have your hands full with issues you need to solve. Using your logic and analyzation skills, it is up to you to find the answers and this can be difficult. If you love this thrill, being a lawyer could be the career for you. You are never going to be short of a challenge!
You Feel Respected
Whether it is right or wrong, there is no doubt that anybody that studies law is automatically respected in the professional world. Everybody knows that law is not an easy degree and that you have to work hard and persevere to make it. As soon as you tell someone that you have a law degree, they are going to think you are intelligent, hardworking and career-driven.
Additionally, when you become a lawyer there is prestige attached that you can also enjoy. Again, this can make you feel good about your career choice and that you are appreciated, as well as respected. This can help you build confidence and feel empowered every day when you go to work. If you are new to the legal profession, you can quickly build up your confidence so that you can achieve your goals.
Every Day is Different
Are you afraid that you are going to choose a career that bores you? Do you not want to end up in a dead-end job that you hate? Well, this is not going to happen when you become a legal professional. The legal industry is known for being fast-paced and busy; there is no way you will be left bored with nothing to do. Every day is going to be different, from dealing with clients one day to appearing in court the next. Lawyers are known for working long hours and this is something to consider. This may be true but it can also be very rewarding and if you love to work and make progress on a difficult subject, you will love being a lawyer. You can work on improving your skills all the time, including analytical and reading skills.
You Can Help People
Your role in the legal profession is to provide a client service with the aim of helping them solve their problems. This can vary from problems with tax and debt to criminal matters and defending human rights. Either way, you can feel like you have a sense of purpose and that you are doing good for others with your career choice. That can help you feel satisfied with your career and you can give back to society. In the process, you can help to improve your communication skills and continue to progress personally.
You Can Make a Difference
Some people are not satisfied with a 9 to 5 job that makes no impact on the world. They want to have a purpose. The good news is, if you become a lawyer, you have the opportunity to make a difference. This could be through a novel court case or researching new areas of law. You have the opportunity to contribute to the legal world and feel like you have made your mark. Along the way, you can help others and feel like you have achieved legal justice.
You Can Grow
A lot of people fear that they will be stuck in their job forever. But there are plenty of opportunities to grow when you study law. Of course, you can go straight into a legal career after university. Alternatively, you can study and become an attorney. But even when you get a legal job, there are going to be further opportunities to grow. Every year, you are going to gain more experience. You can switch the law you practice or change your career entirely. You are never going to be stuck doing the same job. Therefore, if you are ambitious, law can be the perfect career for you.
There is Competition
Are you somebody that thrives when there is competition? One thing’s for sure, there is a lot of competitiveness in the legal world. While you are friends with your colleagues, everybody wants to win their court cases and be the best. This can be a driving force and help you stay hungry for success. Being a lawyer is not for the faint-hearted and you should be prepared to always be competing with somebody else.
You Can Start Your Own Business
When you become a lawyer after university, you may start with a local firm to behind with. Getting your first legal job can be difficult. But the opportunities that arise after this are fantastic. For example, once you have gained experience and made a name for yourself, you can start your own business. In other words, you can open your own law firm. This can allow you to offer your own legal services and create a local firm that people look up to. In addition, you can have more control over your working schedule and how you take on clients.
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