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What Is an Entertainment Lawyer?

published October 12, 2016

By Author - LawCrossing

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Summary: Learn what an entertainment lawyer is and what they do in this article.
Entertainment attorneys are able to work with artists.
Law as a practice is characterized by the types of people you will daily be working with. Law is law, a meticulous and involved language, operating in and through the legal system, setting into place all other professions. When you specialize, you have some choice as to the people you will deal with – criminals, librarians, students, or lawyers; or, if you love music or entertainment, then artists.

Working in the music or entertainment industry puts you in daily contact with some of the most interesting personalities our culture has yet produced. And even here, in the music and entertainment industry, there is a large machine, with some choice as to where you can fit in. You can work with music publishers, you can work with record labels, or you could work with individual artists or actors/actresses. Each of these requires a specific set of skills you will develop as you go.

Working as an entertainment attorney promoting concerts, for instance, puts you ego to ego with a musical team that might want specific contracts written about locations of shows, show times, show dates, and the structure of performances. Such contracts could even detail the sorts of beverages put in the back room. If musical biographies interest you, putting yourself into the nitty gritty of the musical experience might help you share the excitement of a career in music. Similarly, working with an actor or actress will make you feel like you are a part of their life, for better or worse.

Certainly issues of contracts, negotiations, agreements, copyrights, trademarks, sponsorship, and endorsements come into place. Not only that, but you must be able to explain not only the legal language, but the entertainment industry language, in terms understandable by your clients.

Whether you work with artists or agents, actors or actresses, recording companies, or publishing companies, working as an entertainment attorney will put you in touch with something sometimes missing in the legal profession: art and artistic persons.

If this sort of life appeals to you, look on LawCrossing to find a niche for your passions. Various firms specialize in entertainment law, and some of the larger firms have areas devoted to entertainment law. Let us help you find your place in this landscape.

Find Entertainment Jobs on LawCrossing Today!
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