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Best LL.M. Programs for Foreign Attorneys

published May 19, 2016

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Summary: Foreign attorneys often have a harder time finding a U.S. LL.M. program that fits their needs. This list serves as a starting point for those attorneys.
Find the LL.M. program that’s right for you in this article.

Attorneys outside the U.S. can have a harder time accessing LL.M. programs and knowing which ones are the best. There are over 80 law schools with 300 graduate law programs, but not one program that necessarily outranks all the others.

As legal education experts note, one program will better suit the needs of one student while another program will be better for another student. “Each student is unique and will search out schools that fit their needs,” Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law professor George Edwards said. “LL.M. programs are successful if they meet and exceed reasonable expectations of their students.”
Edwards is the author of “LL.M. Roadmap: An International Student’s Guide to U.S. Law School Programs.” The book is one of two books focused on U.S. graduate law programs for international attorneys.
The number of LL.M. programs has increased significantly over the past few years, with even more being directed towards foreign attorneys. He said, “As time went on, schools began to realize that to sustain these LL.M. programs long term, they would have to do more to meet students’ expectations.”

Should I do an LL.M.? Find out if it is right for you here.
Now law schools are making themselves more competitive by helping LL.M. students wanting to take the U.S. bar with opportunities usually saved for J.D. students such as law clinic work, membership in law journals, off-campus legal externships, and chances to be on law school committees.
Based on these factors, LL.M. programs have been divided into four main areas: Career Opportunities, Value, Law School Experience, and Academics. Here are the best programs in each area.
Academics: American University, Boston University, Duke University, Fordham Law School, Loyola Law School Los Angeles, Ohio State University, Tulane Law School, University of Hawaii, University of Minnesota, University of North Carolina, and the University of Texas.
Law School Experience: Duke University, Fordham Law School, Indiana University McKinney, Loyola Law School Los Angeles, Loyola University Chicago, McGeorge School of Law, Notre Dame Law School, Pepperdine University, Southwestern Law School, Temple University, University of North Carolina, University of Oregon, Wake Forest University, and Widener University Delaware Law School.
Career: Indiana University McKinney, Loyola University Chicago, Mississippi College, Pepperdine University, Stetson University, Tulane Law School, University of Hawaii, University of Nebraska, and Widener University Delaware.
Value: Brigham Young University, Catholic University, Florida Coastal School of Law, Indiana University McKinney, Loyola University New Orleans, McGeorge School of Law, Mississippi College, University of Baltimore, University of Nebraska, University of Oklahoma, University of Oregon, and Widener University Delaware.
Read this article for more career advice for foreign lawyers: Ten Tips to Help Foreign Trained Lawyers Find Work in the US.
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