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5 Simple Steps to Make Your Life Healthier

published May 18, 2016

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By adding these simple habits into your daily routine, you can make healthy changes with very little effort. Try them out and see the changes for yourself!
Eat more fruits and vegetables to stay healthy.

1. Stock your fridge with fruits and veggies. If you have healthy food on hand, it’s much more likely that you’ll eat better overall.
2. Eat from small plates, bowls and cups. By making your plate smaller, your food portions will naturally become smaller. Not only that, but when your plate looks fuller, your brain thinks you’re eating more.

3. Prep simple snacks to eat on the go. If you’ve already got bags of veggies, healthy trail mix, string cheese, apples, etc. prepped and ready to go, then you’re much more likely to grab a healthy snack when you get hungry, rather than hitting up the vending machine at work.
4. Carry a water bottle with you. Always having a water bottle with you will prompt you to drink more water, which has tons of great benefits for your health.
5. Eat the vegetables on your plate first. Be sure to fill half your plate with veggies for lunch and dinner and eat them first! By eating them first, you’re filling up on vegetables, rather than leaving them behind at the end of your meal. This will help you feel fuller for longer, and it’s better for your digestion.
See some healthy recipes here:
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