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District of Columbia Law School Directory

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published June 06, 2015

By Author - LawCrossing



  1. American University Washington College of Law
  2. Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law
  3. George Washington University Law School
  4. Georgetown University Law Center
  5. Howard University School of Law
  6. University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law

American University Washington College of Law
4801 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Ste. 507 Washington, DC 20016

Ph: (202) 274-4101 Fax: (202) 274-4107

American University Washington College of Law

Degrees Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws)
  • SJD (Doctor of Juridical Science) in International Legal Studies or in Law and Government

Joint Degree Programs:

  • JD-MA (Master of Arts) in International Affairs
  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-MPA (Master of Public Administration)
  • JD-MPP (Master of Public Policy)
  • JD-MS (Master of Science) in Justice, Law, and Society. Also offers dual-degree programs with law schools in Melbourne, Australia; Ottawa, Canada; Paris, France; and Madrid, Spain

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association; member of the American Association of Law Schools.


  • Administrative Law Review
  • American University Law Review
  • American University International Law Review
  • Journal of Gender, Social Policy, and the Law
  • American Jurist
  • Business Law Brief
  • Criminal Law Brief
  • Health Law and Policy
  • Human Rights Brief
  • Modem American
  • Sustainable Development Law and Policy



Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law
Cardinal Sta. Washington, DC 20064
Ph: (202) 319-5151 Fax: (202) 319-6285

Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law

Degree Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association; member of the Association of American Law Schools.


  • CommLaw Conspectus
  • Journal of Communications Law and Policy
  • Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy
  • Catholic University Law Review



George Washington University Law School
2000 H St. NW Washington, DC 20052
Ph: (202) 994-7230 Fax: (202) 994-3597

George Washington University Law School

Degrees Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws) in Environmental Law, International Law, Intellectual Property Law, Government Procurement Law, and Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Joint Degree Programs:

  • JD-MPH (Master of Public Health)
  • JD-MPA (Master of Public Administration)
  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-MA (Master of Arts) in History, International Affairs, or Women's Studies
  • JD-MPP (Master of Public Policy)

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association; member of the Association of American Law Schools.


  • George Washington Law Review
  • George Washington International Law Review
  • Journal of Energy and Environmental Law
  • Federal Circuit Bar Journal
  • American Intellectual Property Law Quarterly Journal
  • Public Contract Law Journal
  • International Law in Domestic Courts Journal



Georgetown University Law Center

United States
600 New Jersey Ave. NW, Rm. 589 Washington, DC 20001
Ph: (202) 662-9010 Fax: (202) 662-9439

Georgetown University Law Center

Degrees Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws)
  • SJD (Doctor of Juridical Science)

Joint Degree Programs:

  • JD-Master of Public Policy
  • JD-MSFS (Master of Science in Foreign Service)
  • JD- MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • JD-MPH (Master of Public Health)
  • JD-Master or Doctorate in Philosophy
  • JD-PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Government
  • JD-LLM (Master of Laws) in Taxation, in Securities and Financial Regulation, International Business and Economic Law, and in National Security Law
  • JD-MA (Master of Arts) in Arab Studies German and European Studies Latin American Studies Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies and Security Studies

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association; member of the Association of American Law Schools.


  • American Criminal Law Review
  • Georgetown Immigration Law Journal
  • Georgetown International Environmental Law Review
  • The Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law
  • Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics
  • Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy
  • Georgetown Law Journal
  • Law and Policy in International Business
  • The Tax Lawyer
  • Law Weekly



Howard University School of Law
2900 Van Ness St. NW Washington, DC 20008
Ph: (202) 806-8008 Fax: (202) 806-8162

Howard University School of Law

Degrees Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws)

Joint Degree Program:

  • JD-MBA (Master of Business Administration)

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association; member of the Association of American Law Schools.


  • Howard Law Journal
  • Barrister



University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law
4200 Connecticut Ave. NW Washington, DC 20008
Ph: (202) 274-7341 Fax: (202) 274-5583

University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law

Degrees Offered:

  • JD (Juris Doctor)
  • LLM (Master of Laws)

Source of Accreditation: American Bar Association.


  • District of Columbia Law Review



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