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Baker & McKenzie Does It Again!

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published October 01, 2014

By Author - LawCrossing


Baker & McKenzie Does It Again!

Summary: Baker & McKenzie has just been named the world's strongest law firm brand for the fifth consecutive year. The law firm ranked top on each of the measures in the 2014 Acritas' Global Elite Law Firm Brand Index including awareness, favorability, and consideration for multijurisdictional deals and for multijurisdictional litigation. The ranking was based on interviews with 1,185 senior legal buyers across the world's largest multinationals with revenues in excess of USD $1 billion.

The 2014 Acritas' Global Elite Law Firm Brand Index has found Baker & McKenzie at the top once again. This being the fifth consecutive year for Baker & McKenzie, which seems firmly entrenched at the top slot of the Acritas' Index. This year, the law firm stated in its news release made on Tuesday, it was able to increase its lead over its nearest competitor to more than 60 percent.

Acritas' ranking is based on interviews with 1,185 senior legal services purchasers across the world's largest multinationals with each company having revenues in excess of USD $1 billion. The law firm led the regional indices for Mainland Europe and Asia Pacific and featured in the top 10 in almost every region surveyed. Acritas has also confirmed in recent months that Baker & McKenzie is the first choice for elite multinationals in Africa and the sixth most influential law firm brand in London.

Eduardo Leite, chairman of Baker & McKenzie's Executive Committee said, "On behalf of all the 10,900 people of Baker & McKenzie, I would like to say how great an honor it is to be selected again as the leading international legal brand."

Leite added, "The market for legal services gets more competitive every year and it is very pleasing that the significant investments that Baker & McKenzie continues to make in the quality and client-driven approach to our work has been recognized by the participants of this study - our clients and prospective clients."

Lisa Hart Shepherd, CEO of Acritas, said, "Clients are getting more sophisticated, more 'savvy' and generally more demanding. Law firms that are gaining brand strength are investing in understanding and listening to the market and its evolving needs, and aren't afraid to do things differently."

The news comes about a month after the law firm announced record global revenues for the fiscal year ended 30 June 2014. Baker & McKenzie's global revenues this year was USD 2.54 billion.

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Baker & McKenzie Does It Again!
Gain an advantage in your legal job search. LawCrossing uncovers hidden positions that firms post on their own websites and industry-specific job boards—jobs that never appear on Indeed or LinkedIn. Don't miss out. Sign up now!

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