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Fish Richardson Brings 80 High-Paying Jobs to Minneapolis

published June 25, 2014

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Fish Richardson Brings 80 High-Paying Jobs to Minneapolis

Earlier this month Fish & Richardson announced that they will be opening an Administrative Hub in its current office space in Minneapolis where the firm has had an office for over two decades. The new administrative hub will help the law firm to save and will house the core operations of finance and accounting for all offices of the law firm.

Other verticals that will be overseen from the hub include Information Technology and Human Resources, while the office will also work as part of the firm's Patent Practice Systems group. The office will have a total of 130 positions with 80 high-paying professional positions being moved from other offices.

For the firm, the formation of a hub in Minneapolis was both a strategic and evolutionary decision as the office as part of the Patent Practice Systems group and the Human Resources group had long been centralized in the office.

Speaking on the restructuring, Peter Devlin President of Fish & Richardson said, "Our new Administrative Hub will enable us to provide better value by working more efficiently and reducing costs."

Devlin added further, "We've been engaged for years in reorganizing and restructuring our support staff across the firm, so the opening of our Hub will not involve any staff reductions. Instead, by centralizing these functions we will be able to implement best practices across several different departments and create even more consistency in the quality of our services."

The firm has announced that all employees who choose not to relocate will have the opportunity to keep jobs in their current offices until March 31, 2015, followed by a generous severance package based on their tenures.

Speaking on the law firm's decision, Michael Langley, CEO of GREATER MSP (Minneapolis Saint Paul Regional Economic Development Partnership), said, "This strategic decision by Fish & Richardson to consolidate its administrative hub in the Greater MSP region reinforces the Minneapolis St. Paul region's strength in professional and business services to global business headquarters and enterprises."

Devlin said the management understood the change was difficult, but they had made the decision "after careful consideration and with the best interests of our entire firm in mind." The move is expected to save the law firm about $3 million a year in administrative costs, reported the Star Tribune.

Fish & Richardson is a national law firm which counts historical figures like Thomas Edison and the Wright brothers among its early clients.

Looking for attorney jobs in Minneapolis? Click here for latest openings.

This news originally appeared on Fish Richardson Brings 80 High-Paying Jobs to Minneapolis

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Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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