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Sedgwick Strengthens Its Natural Resources Practice

published September 10, 2013

By Author - LawCrossing

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Sedgwick Strengthens Its Natural Resources Practice

Sedgwick LLP announced that two well-known attorneys practicing in the field of natural resources law and land-use have joined the law firm's Washington office. The new partners, Steven P. Quarles and David P. Ross left Crowell & Morning LLP to join Sedgwick's Land Use and Natural Resources Practice Group. Sedgwick, in a press release issued from the law firm, called the move "a significant, strategic step to expand its national natural resources practice."

Sedgwick LLP has kept strengthening its natural resources practice and doubled in size over the past three years. The addition of the two new partners would complement the relevant practice group's existing capabilities in regard to the Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, National Environmental Policy Act and other environmental regulatory and litigation practice areas.

Both Quarles and Ross are nationally recognized professionals. Quarles, a J.D. from Yale Law School has served for a term as Deputy Under Secretary of the Department of the Interior and Counsel to the US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. He is considered one of the leading authorities in the country on natural resources law and a leader on related federal policy matters. He is also frequently in touch with decision makers concerned with issues related to natural resources in the executive and legislative branches of the federal government and is renowned for handling issues concerning federal wildlife laws and representing forest products, renewable energy, mining, agriculture, and land development companies. He also advises policy coalitions, land conservation trusts and state and local governments on issues related to natural resources.

Likewise, Ross is an outstanding expert with a stellar resume and career track. He received his J.D. (magna cum laude) and Master of Studies in environmental law (summa cum laude) from Vermont Law School. Ross specializes in environmental and natural resources matters with an emphasis on National Environment Policy Act, Clean Water Act, federal wildlife law, renewable and other energy projects, water quality policy and litigation, federal land use issues and storm water regulation and control.

Anna Shimko, Head of Sedgwick's real estate, land use and natural resources practices said that the addition of the two new partners will make their team even stronger as they collaborate from multiple offices on projects as diverse as wind farms, new residential communities and endangered species conservation banks.
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