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Andrew Lahush Wants to be an Immigration, Tax, and Labor Attorney

published October 29, 2012

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Personal Life

Andrew Lahush, Law student at University of Ottawa Faculty of Law
Andrew Lahush is a second year law student at University of Ottawa Faculty of Law. The student plans on becoming an immigration, tax, and labor attorney, but expressed “it is important to be as familiar as possible with various branches of the profession, as liability can arise from various legal dimensions of a case personally, for a client, or [a] transaction.” He believes his immigration classes are interesting and called the subject “a great area of social service.” Andrew enjoys tax laws since he majored in economics while he was an undergrad and he finds the “labor law system interesting.” The student acknowledged he will most likely not be a general attorney because of the incentives and current pressure to specialize. He hopes to launch his legal career this summer as a student with a law firm or a government organization.

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Andrew was born in Ukraine and his family moved to Ottawa, Ontario Canada when he was 12 years-old. He grew up with his parents and has one sister, who has the “artistic talents and inclinations of the family.” Andrew is very proud of his sister.

In 2010, Andrew graduated with a B.A. in economics and minored in English Language and Literature from the University of Western Ontario after moving to London, Ontario. While he attended the University of Western Ontario, Andrew received several honors and scholarships, which includes the renewed recipient of the Queen Elizabeth Aiming for the top scholarship recognizing top tier academic performance in Ontario (2008-2012), Certificates in leadership and social awareness (2008 – 2011), the Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Poisson scholarly prize in English (2010), the John Cronyn Scholarship for the highest program standing (2010), the Great Minds, Great Hearts Scholarship, annually recognizing a student for top academic and community engagement (2010), and he made the Dean's Honor List (2008 – 2011).

The outstanding student was also active in many undergrad associations, which includes Events Marketing: going door to door to promote walk-a-thons and bike rides (2008-12), Policy Advisory Panelist, Legislative Assembly of Ontario: Discussing and generating ideas on social concerns and policy options regarding arts and heritage (2007 – 2012), Vice President, Etobicoke-Centre youth political organization: Responsible for organizing meetings and for research and preparation of discussion topics (2007 – 2012), Member, University of Western Ontario: Economics Society, Pre-Law Club, Spanish and Latin American Student Association, and the Ukrainian Students' Club (2008 -2011), Huron University College Charity Fashion Show model (2008 – 2011), Vice President of Academics, Huron University College Economics Club: Organized and conducted tutorial sessions for economics midterms and exams (2010 – 2011), and Purple Bikes: founding member of the University Western Ontario bicycle-sharing program (2010 – 2011).

Andrew then moved back to Ottawa to study at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law. At the school, Andrew participates in the University of Ottawa: International Law Student Association, Ukrainian Student Association, Russophile Circle (2011 – 2012). The second year law student had a paper endorsed for a professional society award. However, Andrew's greatest accomplishment as a law student might be his moot court experience. He obtained professional advice and review on oral advocacy and legal writing. Andrew believes the review of his performance was helpful. The student prepared a factum on a current privacy law appeal case (Jones v. Tsige, 2012 ONCA 32). Andrew developed and presented an oral argument as a member of a two person team to a panel of judges. He said he felt pressure during this competition, but his partner “made things comfortable.” Andrew and his partner's first argument was difficult, but their second argument was easy. In 2011, the law student was a Participant in the University of Ottawa, Nelligan O'Brien Payne Moot Court Competition.

When Andrew isn't studying, he enjoys going to the gym, running, hiking, skiing, soccer, and playing in an intramural basketball league. The future attorney is also glad to be a student in the National Capital Region; it offers gorgeous natural surroundings. Andrew is involved in several social clubs that the University of Ottawa offers. He stated, “It fosters a sense of community and helps to develop new connections.” Andrew emphasized that he depends on “running and regular fitness to ensure a healthy body and mind.” The student noted that his regimen of exercise helps him prepare for “exam season.” He also mentioned exercising helps him “be more alert” and causes a “greater sleep cycle.”

The law student has traveled throughout Western and Eastern Europe, the Eastern United States, Cuba, and within Ontario and Quebec. He admitted, “One of the most influential experience[s] was my vacation in Cuba. I ventured outside of the resort to the towns up and down the road. I witnessed the poverty and disrepair of those places despite the natural beauty of the island and the reef that was grazing the shore. I had the benefit of comparing this environment to southern Florida and Croatia, both of which I visited earlier. It was almost as though the regime created a different world, a museum of the past. It made me appreciate more the economic, social, and legal freedoms and opportunities that I enjoy.”

Andrew's Academic Law Career and Future Aspirations

The second year law student was asked why he went into the law. He answered, “Arriving to Canada with first memories and experiences from a developing post-soviet country, I grew to appreciate the rule of law, order, freedom, and opportunity of my new home. I began to discover that an important part of such culture and establishment is the judicial system that enjoys a large degree of independency and the framework of law.”

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Andrew continued to say, “After taking a course on law in high school, my interest sharpened and I decided to pursue on a course of obtaining legal and related education in order to gain a chance to participate in one of the most fair and reputable judicial system[s] in the world, help with the access to justice in my community, and hopefully not dread Mondays or avoid thinking about work on the weekends. Since I genuinely enjoy this type of work it will and does deliver me a substantial psychological income that is currently 100% tax-free.”

The student shared his goals and aspirations. He proclaimed, “To be proud of my work, to have personal time during my practice, to figure out the complexity of the bankruptcy proceedings, and then to never experience them [myself] as a bankrupt and convince my parents that I do eat nutritious, healthy things after I moved out from home.”

When asked if he would like to be a bankruptcy attorney, Andrew said he is just exploring the opportunity, but he isn't going to specialize in this area of the law. He revealed that his parents worry about him because they think he doesn't eat healthy food.

Does Andrew have achievements or activities that are significant to him? He claimed, “Last summer, after my 1L, I picked up a general labor job with a local warehouse to help me pay for school and rent. I was pleasantly surprised and appreciated the teamwork, understanding, professionalism, and collective responsibility that I discovered and was a part of. I hope to meet such comradeship from my friends in the legal career and to foster such culture through my own actions, cooperation, and civilized dispute resolution.”

Andrew discussed three key accomplishments. He stated, “Receiving a chance to influence a party platform with the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, being accepted to a law school, and managing a rookie kindergarten project where upon completion everyone was completely satisfied and not litigious.”

Two years ago, Andrew worked on a kindergarten project where he was responsible for organizing resources and managing children. He was originally supposed to go to a retirement home and promote the kindergarten school, but the director of the school changed his mind and let Andrew manage the children. The project went smoothly and Andrew claimed, “The students and parents were satisfied.” The law student acknowledged he got a strong recommendation from the director, which helped him get into law school.

So what are Andrew's key strengths and skills that he would like to leverage upon to advance his career goals? He replied, “I do not generally enjoy stressful situations and work pressure. Such trait[s] usually turns people away from the legal profession. As for me, I always take time to unwind. I take a walk, run, ice skate, etc. Afterwards, my work becomes more efficient, concentrated, and enjoyable. Ultimately, there will be one less stressed person at the table, which makes work easier for everyone and sometimes lack of stress is contagious. I guess that such [a] trait will be useful to advance my career.”

The future attorney spoke about his weakness. He declared, “It is hard to admit, but [I end up] saving most of the work towards the later stages of the projects that I undertake. There are many benefits to such practice, such as greater knowledge, more planning, thinking and formulation time, increased time efficiency because of a pressing deadline, it has been proven to be a successful strategy in the past, and so on. Nevertheless, where time permits and there are lessons learned from the previous projects of the same type, I should and I am currently trying to complete some tasks early, [so as] not to burden myself in the stressful time around the final call.”

Many readers are probably wondering how Andrew handles new assignments. The second year student shared his process. He stated, “I carefully read the instructions, over-research, complete, and [the] alchemy of making it short and sweet begins.”

Where does Andrew derive his confidence? He confessed, “From working hard and envisioning/planning for a successful result that I will be proud to claim ownership of.”

Three Whishes to Live By, Dealing with Fear, Stress Management Tactics, and Conquering Obstacles

If Andrew had three wishes, he would ask for a new episode of South Park every week, a more stable job market, and; more and increasingly diverse opportunity. He also wants to see positive reviews and recommendations based on his work once he launches his legal career. He enjoys the “value of social criticism” and “great satire” that is presented in each episode of South Park.

The law student explained how he would deal with fear if faced with it. He jokingly said, “Poorly.” Andrew added, “I deal with fear through planning and evaluation of a situation that I find myself in.”

Since law school can add a tremendous amount of stress onto students, does Andrew have any stress management tactics? He shared, “A walk, a newspaper, looking 10 seconds in the window, gym, family, swimming, friends, creative writing, and scalp massage currently come to mind.”

How does a newspaper, 10 seconds in the window and a scalp massage relieve stress? The law student said reading a newspaper gets your mind off things because it's a “different type of reading” with “different topics.” As for the window technique, Andrew believes if you look out the window for 10 seconds and then draw you attention back to reading, the “results are better.”

How has Andrew conquered his obstacles? He revealed, “English is not my home language. I am glad that I immigrated at a young age and attended high school in Canada, allowing for a more seamless immersion. From time to time, however, I encounter concepts that are foreign to me, which may pose an obstacle. I get through it by frequent learning, reading, etc. I am grateful to the helpful and understanding Canadian society. I also return and advance the favor to others, as I happen to understand their position based on my experience.”

Legal Role Model, Personal Philosophy, People You Want to Surround Yourself With, and Favorite Quote

Andrew mentioned one legal role model he respects greatly. The student admires Justice John Sopinka. He stated, “We share common heritage and that gives me an important sense of belonging and a role model in the legal profession. I enjoy his thoughtful, comprehensive, and reasoned legal decisions as well as respect his contribution to justice in Canada and to the Ukrainian-Canadian community.”

What is Andrew's personal philosophy? The student asserted, “To live according to my motivations inspired by hard working parents and opportunity offered to me.”

Andrew talked about what he believes holds more truth in light of his personal philosophy. Was it fate or choice? He believes, “Fate is an interesting concept and forces beyond personal control do influence my life and lives of others. However, choice and claiming opportunity is more important. Furthermore, my actions influence the fate of others, and will increasingly do so as I will start my career. Thus it is important to offer others a fair opportunity and consideration, whenever possible, among other things. Therefore choice is more important in light of your personal philosophy for me and consideration of others.”

What kind of situations and people is Andrew attracted to? What kind of situations and people does the law student avoid? He's attracted to “any interesting place and any new people and old friends are welcome. Life is full of pleasant surprises and chances to create them.”

Andrew pointed out that he doesn't “actively avoid situations, as almost anything may and more likely than not will lead to a positive experience. That being said, I would rather avoid situations that may put me in an uncomfortable position or in a bad light in the future. I will likely have to address such position and such future is always just around the corner. ‘Honesty is the best policy' is a useful guide.”

The law student continued to say:
“As for people, I enjoy [the] company of like-minded individuals as much as the next person. However, in many circumstances debating or discussing with a person of a different background or predisposition is just as pleasant. It is amazing on how many grounds people can agree on, and in my opinion, politics in a broad sense of the word divides people who otherwise would see eye to eye over a cup of coffee. Nevertheless, should someone be entirely close minded, aggressive, repugnant, poisonous, and especially hide behind an anonymous profile (as it is possible in today's online environment), sometimes it is more fruitful for such a person and the audience to do almost anything else with their time and I would like to avoid such people and situations.”
Andrew's favorite quote is by Butthead from MTV's Beavis and Butthead: “The Law Rules.” Andrew said, “It was an interesting scene about the role and position of lawyers.”

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