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Dykema Gossett

published March 20, 2012

By Author - LawCrossing

( 56 votes, average: 4.2 out of 5)

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Dykema Gossett, PLLC is a leading national law firm that serves clients through its offices in Michigan; Illinois; Washington, DC; North Carolina; Texas; and California. Through its management structure and focused industry groups, the firm serves businesses in a range of industries.

Practice areas include business services, environmental, gaming and Indian law, intellectual property, health care, hospitality, insurance, litigation, labor and employment, and real estate. Industry groups include the Automotive Industry Group, the Energy Industry Group, and the Financial Industry Group.

Dykema's beginnings date back to 1926 when Raymond K. Dykema, Elroy O. Jones, and Renville Wheat established a firm in downtown Detroit. In 2004 the firm joined with Rooks Pitts, a firm that traces its origins to 1897 in Chicago. More recently, in 2008, the firm merged with the law firm of Schwartz Cooper.

Today, business entities around the globe rely on Dykema to handle a variety of legal challenges. The firm boasts an estimated 400 attorneys and other professionals throughout its 11 US offices. It has formed alliances with independent firms around the world to better serve clients in areas where it has not established offices. Additionally, the firm is a member of the World Services Group, a global association of major law and other professional service firms.

The firm proudly provides clients with quality service through the use of e-billing tools, email, phone systems, e-discovery, document review, and more. Technology is what distinguishes the firm in other areas too. Summer associates are connected to Dykema through the Summer Associate Extranet, allowing them to ask questions about the program prior to their actual arrival. During their time with Dykema, summer associates are offered the opportunity to assist in the preparation of briefs, pleadings, memoranda, opinion letters, and other documents. Participants are also encouraged to work on pro bono assignments, attend professional development sessions, and participate in corporate closings, conferences, court hearings, labor arbitrations, trials, real estate syndications, real estate planning, and more.
( 56 votes, average: 4.2 out of 5)
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