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Husch Blackwell LLP

published October 19, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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Husch Blackwell was formed in 2008 when Blackwell Sanders LLP and Husch & Eppenberger LLC combined. That same year the firm also merged with Welsh & Katz Ltd. Today the firm is heavily involved in matters pertaining to energy, business litigation, health, and banking and finance.

The firm works with clients across the energy spectrum, including investor-owned utilities and utility cooperatives, independent power companies and developers, oil and gas producers and processors, storage, trading and distribution companies, interstate and intrastate pipeline companies, energy, and energy-related companies. The energy industry team is composed of individuals with vast industry knowledge including former regulatory commissioners and legislators who serve clients in the areas of energy regulation, energy acquisitions and joint ventures, energy financing, energy marketing and trading, facility development and operations, energy litigation, oil and gas, and renewable energy.

Husch Blackwell's business litigation group represents clients in both the prosecution and defense of complicated domestic and international business disputes. The firm's business litigation group has assisted clients in issues concerning contracts and business torts, distribution and supply, ERISA, intellectual property, regulatory compliance of enforcement, and other common areas of dispute.

The firm's health law department represents hospitals and health systems, healthcare professionals, and long term care and nursing facilities in transactional, operational, regulatory, and administrative matters. Within the health law department there are about 20 healthcare attorneys, as well as about 30 “adjunct” attorneys. Husch Blackwell attorneys in other related practice areas also collaborate with the health law team to meet every clients needs.

The banking and finance practice of Husch Blackwell deals primarily with the lending and regulatory activities of regional commercial lenders, national commercial lenders, retail banks, life insurance companies, CMBS, conduit lenders, credit unions, savings associations, and other financial institutions.
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