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Dickstein Shapiro LLP

published February 16, 2011

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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The Complex Dispute Resolution Group has a history of working with leading companies, both national and international, and guiding them through mass litigation matters. The firm's Corporate & Finance Group offers a range of corporate, finance, and transactional legal services to clients, from large corporations to venture capital firms. The Energy Group serves clients who develop, finance, operate, acquire, sell, restructure, or manage large energy infrastructure projects. Clients include power producers and transmission companies, integrated utilities, and energy consumers. The Government Law & Strategy Group is exclusive to Washington, DC. The aim of this practice is to promote a client's interests before the legislative and executive branches of government. This group specializes in representing clients involved in congressional investigations, but also assists clients in obtaining government contracts. Clients also turn to the Government Law & Strategy Group for assistance in campaign finance, ethics, lobbying, and election law matters. The firm's Intellectual Property Practice has more than 85 attorneys who work in all areas of intellectual property law, including litigation and patent and trademark procurement. Dickstein Shapiro's Insurance Coverage Group has more than 70 attorneys who are best known for representing policyholders in disagreement with insurance companies around the world. The firm's Litigation Group offers evaluation and representation at all stages of the business dispute litigation process.

In support of attorney and staff professional development, Dickstein Shapiro offers courses through their Associate Career Development Program and Dickstein Shapiro University. The Associate Career Development Program is designed to support associates in crucial areas of career development. The program is composed of the Mentor Program, Writing Coach, Diversity Mentor Panel, and Professional Development Partner Program. It is the goal of Dickstein Shapiro University to unite professional training with work life balance through its programs. Dickstein Shapiro University offers programs under the College of Professional Training, College of Personal Skills Development, and College of Extracurricular Activities. The College of Professional Training is geared toward the development of technical and professional skills, including deposition skills and legal negotiation. The College of Personal Skills Development offers courses connected to quality of life issues, such as ''Advanced Nutrition,'' and ''Managing Emotions: Anger.'' The purpose of the College of Extracurricular Activities is to encourage socializing within Dickstein Shapiro and to promote connections between attorneys and staff members.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

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