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No Southern Hospitality for Actor Gary Collins

published January 07, 2011

By Author - LawCrossing

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It all began Tuesday at Jazzeppi's Restaurant, a south Mississippi restaurant located on the beach in Biloxi. Known for its delicious seafood and more than 50 different martinis, the staff found themselves following Collins out on Tuesday evening with a request to return to the restaurant and pay his bill. The employees say he refused to even acknowledge them, even as they requested repeatedly. Instead of continuing with their requests as he got into his car and began to pull out, they returned to the restaurant and called the police. Collins left owing the restaurant $59.35. He's been charged with defrauding an innkeeper. Anything more than $25 is a felony in the state. He was released on $5,000 bail after spending the night in a Harrison County jail.

In November, Collins was found guilty of leaving the scene of an accident and ordered to pay a $500 fine. He rear-ended a car and then promptly drove away. Many say Collins appeared intoxicated and is likely the reason he fled the scene. His attorney at the time, Tom Royals, said he expected Collins would be charged with a misdemeanor; he was and ultimately paid $500 in fines. Collins has a history of driving under the influence. He has three previous DUI charges on his driving record.

No court date has been set, other than his bail hearing, and its unknown what the district attorney will ultimately charge him with. Reports say he had been drinking alcohol, though he was not given a breathalyzer since he wasn't arrested until after he'd returned home.

Mary Ann Mobley, whom Collins has been married to for more than four decades, was born in Brandon, Mississippi. Brandon is a small town near the state capital. The Emmy Award winning actor is 72.
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