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Immigration Paralegals

published November 03, 2009

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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Immigration paralegals are the ones who work with immigration lawyers and help them perform their duties. They are the ones who help people get visas, green cards and citizenship. This is a specialized legal career in the field of immigration law. The person requires having a degree to execute the tasks of an immigrant paralegal. The job of an immigration paralegal involves:
  • Carrying out research
  • Drafting legal documents
  • Preparing for trials that includes immigration, naturalization matters and citizenship
  • Maintaining relationships with clients and Naturalization Service and the Department of Homeland Security
  • Ordering subpoenas

The basic requirement of an immigration paralegal is to have a complete knowledge of and have a strong background on the workings of the immigration cases. This knowledge can be achieved through proper training from institutes that provide the students with courses on immigration paralegals. They will gain communication skills, organizational capabilities and diligence. And if one possesses knowledge in a foreign language, the person is very much in demand.

The demand of immigrant paralegals is always on high. This is one industry which never suffers due to low economic conditions. Therefore, immigrant paralegals jobs are always available. They can earn a lot if they have enough experience and skills. They will be benefited with compensation if they can give expected performance.

How to become an Immigrant Paralegal?

In order to become an immigrant paralegal you require a degree in this special field of law. Various universities offer students with the degree of an immigrant paralegal. The degree is achieved after pursuing training for two consecutive years in college. The degree covers the structure, terminology and workings of the state and local courts and the government.

Here, you will gain the knowledge required to understand the immigration law related issues that is different in every country. You can only perform when you know about every little detail of the immigration law that persists in your country. Along with knowledge, the immigration paralegal should understand the methods and functions of the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Naturalization Service. He should even be familiar with the different processes of immigration, citizenship, naturalization and official pardon process. Other areas that the immigration covers are family laws and international adoption issues. Therefore, a complete knowledge on these issues is a must for the immigrant paralegals.

The immigration paralegals need to stay up with current immigration laws that have changed recently. This will allow them to help their clients with any query or difficulty in receiving the tag of U.S citizen.

The best thing you can do is develop your writing, organizational and research skills. These are the essentials of immigrant paralegals since their work involves extensive research, drafting legal documents such as petitions for citizenship and require handling various things like communicating with the clients, managing hundreds of documents etc.

Immigration paralegals need to be in touch with clients most of the time until they receive visa or green card or citizenship. This can make an immigrant paralegal feel very important and thus give mental satisfaction by helping others.

Alternative Summary

Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

More about Harrison

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