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How to Become a Police Liaison Officer

published June 22, 2009

( 158 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)

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To start with, all police must be at least eighteen years of age. No one that is under the legal age of being an adult can apply to become an officer of the law. Those who are the legal age to apply must also have a GED or high school diploma. Without the necessary education, the application to the police department will not be accepted.

It is important that all applicants be in great physical shape. Those considering a life in law enforcement should start developing muscle strength and condition their bodies for rough workouts. You do not have to be all muscle, but you do have to be in good shape and have the endurance to run distances as you never know when you will need to be able to do this.

Those that are attending college should go into criminal justice, because this will be a great help in applying for the police department. Even though that exact degree is not needed in most cases, it will help prepare a person for work as a police officer. It is also important to make sure that you are researching any specific needs or requirements that the police department has. This will allow you a few steps ahead in the application process. Once you have been accepted into a police training program you will need to make sure that you are doing your best. Many people end up dropping out simply because they were not prepared for the training they were exposed to.

Police training is generally paid time. This means that you will be able to receive some money to help cover expenses while you are going through the police training. During this time, you will need to make sure that you are gaining the right skills in order to eventually become a police liaison officer. The best thing to do is to become comfortable working with children.

You will be a mentor and a teacher with this kind of work. It is something that is not for everyone so you want to make sure that working with young people is something that you are comfortable doing. A great way to test your ability and to get some additional skills is to volunteer at the local school for their after-school programs or volunteer as a counselor at a summer camp.

After you graduate from the academy, you then will need to go to work as a police officer. Once you are in the door you can then ask about an assignment as a liaison officer. As long as you are willing to put in the time, hard work, and dedication, you should have no problem becoming what your police department needs from you in order to be a liaison officer.

Even though it may seem like a lot of hard work, it is worth it. Simply keep focused, stay physically fit, and study as much as you can. You will eventually have the job that you’ve always wanted within your local police department.
( 158 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)
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