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How to Become a Copyright Lawyer

published June 17, 2009

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The copyright lawyer helps to protect the creative works of a person from getting stolen or used without the proper authorization being received. If you feel that this is a career path that you would enjoy, then go for it. Just make sure that you are taking all of the proper steps, and you will be working in your choice of law within no time at all. Even though it may seem like a lot of years in school, you will be so busy you will barely notice that time has been flying by.

How to Become a Copyright Lawyer

If you are one of the lucky ones, you may already have your four-year degree. If you are just starting out then you may not have that just yet. Luckily, for those who already have a four-year degree, you can still get into law school no matter what your major was before. For those who are just now getting into their four-year degree, even though you can get into law school with any major, you may want to take advantage of this time and focus on pre-law or business. Taking such courses will come in handy for law school and for when you are a practicing lawyer.


Once it is time to start applying for law school, you want to make sure that you are seeking out the law school that has decent courses on intellectual property rights. Make sure that you are concentrating a great deal on copyright law, intellectual property, entertainment law, and licensing. Taking some trademark law classes is also a good way of making sure that you are getting a lot of good knowledge of intellectual property subjects.

You also need to make sure that you are well versed in not only U.S. copyright laws, but worldwide laws as well. There are a lot of challenges for a copyright lawyer set forth by the WIPO, or the World Intellectual Property Organization, which will you have to deal with. It is up to you to make sure that you have a clear understanding of how to protect the copyrights of your clients' work and their royalty income. With so much technology out there with the online media and illegal downloading, this can be a tough job.

While you are in law school, you will want to work as an intern for a copyright lawyer, record companies, software companies, or even publishers. With so much to learn from all of these places, you could actually break up your time working a little bit for each one. By working in a hands-on environment you will be able to learn more than you could ever learn from a book. You will also have the great advantage of meeting another copyright lawyer or two. This means that you could be making possible connections that could lead to future employment.

Once you are out of school and have everything ready in order to become a practicing copyright lawyer, you may be tempted to start out on your own in order to make the big bucks. Until you truly get your feet wet, however, that may not be the best of ideas. The best thing to do is to work along with another copyright lawyer until you gain enough experience and a good enough reputation to head out on your own. Eventually, you will be able to set out on your own and you will be able to run your own law firm.

Find Copyright Law job listings on LawCrossing.

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