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All About Harvard Law

published March 24, 2009

By CEO and Founder - BCG Attorney Search left

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A law school is an institution which offers legal studies to law students. A law school can be an independent institution or part of a university. Most law schools like Harvard Law School are proud and reputable due to the high number of high profile lawyers and law firms associated with its alumni. This kind of repute makes a law school very distinct and brings a focus of students in that hoping to pursue legal studies in university.
Get advice from law students, prelaw students and others at: Top Law Schools

Law schools indeed are the main focus during legal staffing processes in law firms. The most reputable law schools are highly regarded and the students who did their law degree here will always be considered for positions in law firms. Such a law school is Harvard law school which prides itself in its great lawyers and a list of highly successful alumni. Many corporate lawyers, law firms and legal experts in the United States are from Harvard law school.

Harvard law school or Harvard law is one of the prestigious law institutions in the United States. It is one of the most admired professional graduate schools. It is located in Massachusetts in the USA. In fact, Harvard law is one of the oldest law schools in operation. The school is home to the largest law library in the world. The institution is ranked the second most prestigious and best law schools after Yale Law School. According to its history and administration, Harvard introduced what became the first year curriculum for American law schools. This included classes in contracts, property, torts, criminal law and civil procedure. This was back in 1870’s under Dean Christopher Columbus Langdell. He is remembered for the development of the case method of teaching law which is the commonplace teaching method in the United States.

Harvard Law uses a cohort program. Each cohort goes for 3 years. The cohort in three – year JD program totals about 550 law students. The first year’s class is fragmented to 80 students taking first year classes together. The Harvard Law School has a total of 246 faculty members. While it retains is ethics as they were in its years of inception, Harvard Law is prestigious and such a wonderful place to learn law. The admission process is thorough. Admission to the institution is very selective. A class entering 2008 which has about 7000 applicants will only have 11% who get a vacancy to study law at Harvard. The admission process involves telephone interviews conducted on those likely to be accepted in the school.

The institution has gained immense popularity for its brand of lawyers and quality education and system. In fact, Harvard prides itself with 568 judicial clerkships across the USA in just 3 years including 255 of all Supreme Court Clerkships. Harvard is reckoned the best place to study law. It has bred the current president of United States, Barrack Obama. There are hordes of other key lawyers in the country which went to Harvard as well.
See Top Law Schools Analyzed and Ranked By America's Top Legal Recruiter Harrison Barnes for more information.

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Harrison is the founder of BCG Attorney Search and several companies in the legal employment space that collectively gets thousands of attorneys jobs each year. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placement attract millions of reads each year. Harrison is widely considered the most successful recruiter in the United States and personally places multiple attorneys most weeks. His articles on legal search and placement are read by attorneys, law students and others millions of times per year.

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