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Sports Lawyer Career Guide: How to Break into the Industry

published March 26, 2023

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Sports lawyers are specialized attorneys who understand the nuances of sports-related business law. They provide legal advice and assistance to leagues, teams, sponsors, players, and others involved in the sports industry. Sports lawyers are uniquely qualified to handle the complexities of negotiating contracts, trademark registrations, regulatory compliance, and collective bargaining.

Legal representation in the sports world is essential for any players, teams, or businesses seeking to maximize their financial and contractual opportunities. Sports lawyers can help entities within the sports industry navigate the legal complexities associated with the sports world to ensure compliance with laws and regulations.

Sports lawyers are also invaluable when it comes to litigation and dispute resolution. They understand the nuances of sports-related disputes and are skilled in negotiating satisfactory resolutions. Likewise; they are often involved in drafting and negotiating contracts between professional athletes, agents, league officials, and other entities involved in the sports world.

For those individuals interested in becoming a sports lawyer, there are a few steps that you can take to get the ball rolling. First, it is important to understand that a law degree is required to become a sports lawyer. Once your degree is obtained, you should receive some form of legal training related to sports law. This could be interning at a sports-focused law firm, taking classes in sports law, or working as an assistant to an established sports lawyer.

In order to become a successful sports lawyer, it is also important to develop relationships within the sports industry and build your knowledge base. Joining professional organizations and attending networking events related to the sports world is a great way to start building your network and learning more about the sport.

Moreover, maintaining a professional, ethical, and reliable reputation within the sports world can help you rise to the top of the sports law world. Therefore, it is important to remain up to date on the most current trends and news in the industry, and to stay informed of the most up to date regulations, laws, and contractual terms.

In conclusion, sports lawyers play an invaluable role in the sports world and are an essential part of the industry. Understanding the nuances of sports-related law, being knowledgeable on current trends and issues in the industry, and having an upstanding professional reputation are all key qualifications to becoming a successful sports lawyer. With the right training and relationships, individuals interested in entering the sports law field should be able to embark on a successful career.

How to Become a Sports Lawyer

Sports law is a rapidly growing industry and becoming a sports lawyer is becoming a popular career choice for many. It offers great opportunities to those looking to combine their knowledge of the law with their interest in sports. To get into sports law you need to obtain an advanced degree in law and gain experience in the field. A strong knowledge of business law and business practices, and a deep understanding of the sports industry are also important.

Legal Specialization

Sports lawyers focus on many areas of the law and may specialize in labor, contract, or antitrust law. It is important to get education in the various fields of law that could potentially be related to sports law. People interested in becoming a sports lawyer should take classes in labor, contract, and antitrust law. Specializing in one of these areas can help you become a successful sports attorney.

The Role of a Sports Lawyer

Sports lawyers provide legal advice to athletes, coaches, agents, and other sports-related organizations, as well as in all aspects of sports-related laws and regulations. This could include labor disputes, contract negotiations, and antitrust issues. They also help to draft and negotiate contract agreements between teams, leagues, sponsors, vendors, and athletes. Sports lawyers must have an understanding of the business side of the sports industry as well as the legal side.

Work Experience

It is important to gain experience in the fields related to sports law. This could include internships with sports-related organizations or research experience in related areas. Working as a paralegal or law clerk in sports law-related fields can also be beneficial. Internships are a great way to gain insight into the sports industry and they can help you get noticed by potential employers. Working in sports law can be a competitive field and having as much experience as possible is important.


One of the best ways to get into sports law is to start making connections in the field. Networking with people in the sports industry is a great way to build relationships and let people know that you are serious about a career in sports law. Attend conferences, join sports law associations, and initiate conversations with people who could be helpful in furthering your career in sports law.

There are about as many misconceptions as to what sports lawyers actually do as there are professional athletes, with the reality of the rigors of the profession far less glamorous than one may imagine.

"There is also a misunderstanding that a 'sports agent' is the same as a 'sports lawyer,'" said Professor Paul Anderson, associate director of the National Sports Law Institute at Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee, WI.

"They are not the same thing, as there is no requirement or need for agents to be lawyers," said Mr. Anderson, supervisor of the Marquette Sports Law Review and editor of the Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport.

Marquette University Law School's Sports Law Program provides the nation's most comprehensive offering of sports law courses and student internships with sports organizations.

"Sports lawyers are everywhere. Keep in mind, any lawyer who represents a school district in an eligibility dispute or an athlete trying to participate in a sport is a 'sports lawyer,'" Mr. Anderson said.

All Marquette University Law School students are eligible to participate in the Sports Law Program by enrolling in sports law courses, which include law as it pertains to issues related to amateur and professional athletes and organizations.

"Our program at Marquette University Law School is the only sports law program of its kind in the country," Mr. Anderson said.

"However, only a limited amount of what we do talks about 'sports agency.' This is not a lucrative field for lawyers…unless you already know a high-profile athlete."

Instead, the curriculum at Marquette University Law School's Sports Law Program focuses on topics such as tort law, contract law, Title IX gender discrimination, federal disability discrimination laws, and the legal characterization of college athletes.

At the professional level of athletic competition, course topics include antitrust, labor, contracts, regulation of private associations, player representation, intellectual property, and sports-broadcasting issues.

"Maybe 3% of lawyers actually are athlete representatives," Mr. Anderson said. "Sports lawyers are team counsel, NCAA counsel, athletic directors, compliance officers, general managers, sponsor representatives, etc."

Under the supervision of the National Sports Law Institute's directors, Marquette University Law School students have the opportunity to gain valuable legal and business experience by participating in semester-long volunteer sports law internships.

"The reality for students and practitioners is that being a sports fan is not part of practicing sports law," Mr. Anderson said.

"In addition, the laws and cases impacting the sports industry change almost daily, and sports law practice demands an incredible amount of constant work to keep on top of the industry."

Marquette University Law School's internship program includes placement with the Marquette University Athletic Department, the Miller Brewing Co., the Milwaukee Brewers, the Milwaukee Bucks, and the Milwaukee Tennis & Education Foundation.

"Some people are former athletes or are interested in sports in general, but the variety of students I have seen is virtually endless," said Mr. Anderson.

An amateur athlete is one who is not generally financially compensated for his or her talents, whereas professional athletes are. Many college athletes receive scholarships, but they are still considered amateurs because they are not compensated directly.

"For sports lawyers, in general, the field is much more diverse. The competition is increasing each year as every sport or athletic enterprise realizes the need for lawyers," Mr. Anderson said.

Most professional athletes have agents who negotiate contracts on behalf of their clients. Many state legislatures now require agents to register with some type of administrative agency in an attempt to regulate the industry.

"Many sports lawyers work for teams and leagues and athletic departments, although in many of these positions, they are of counsel from major law firms," Mr. Anderson said.

Those wanting to find out more about what it takes to be a sports lawyer can turn to the Sports Lawyers Association, a nonprofit, international, professional organization whose goal is the understanding, advancement, and ethical practice of sports law.

"Most sports lawyers do not represent what I think your question assumes as 'glamorous clients,' i.e., athletes. Most are normal lawyers who happen to have sports clients," Mr. Anderson said.

"While it could be glamorous, I guess, to work for a team or league, the lawyers I know understand this as 'work,' and there is no more glamour involved in sports practice than in any other form of legal practice.

"If a lawyer thinks of it as a glamorous position, then they are in the field as a fan and not a lawyer first as they should be."

Whatever the level of athletic competition, a good sports lawyer requires the same skills as any good attorney.

"Incredibly strong research and writing skills, a passion for the position…and a dedication to understanding business, marketing, law, and all other facets of an industry in order to succeed," said Mr. Anderson.

If you are looking for a sports attorney position then click here.
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