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Woman Needs A Great Defense Lawyer

published July 02, 2008

By Author - LawCrossing

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Rice was arrested for investigation of misdemeanor driving under the influence on June 29th of this year. Presumably, that investigation will be over quickly, moving to misdemeanor driving under the influence, for sure.

Rice, 74, drove her Cadillac into a convenience store on Sunday, June 29th. She drove right through two glass panels, in fact, and plowed halfway through the store without injuring anyone.

Once the car came to a stop, Rice calmly got out, went over to the refrigerated section, grabbed a six-pack of beer, and then tried to pay for it. For some reason, the cashier declined the payment and called police instead. The police then arrested her.

So, our defense attorney has a hard task here — how can you come up with a reasonable explanation for this one that doesn't involve some sort of driving under the influence? Of course, the "mentally incompetent" defense might fly, but then again she was driving incompetently, so she'll still be in trouble…. Not a winning argument.

My advice? A plea deal — it's the best that you'll get!
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