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Laptops: Advice on Getting the One for You

published March 18, 2008

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<<A lot of people make the mistake of buying a laptop based on a brand name or even because of a certain color and style, but these methods aren't always the best bet when picking out your portable computer. Rather, finding a laptop that serves its purpose for your success should be your main goal.

On the web, Laptop Advisor informs laptop customers that it's important to follow certain guidelines when purchasing a laptop but that it's also important to identify the one that works best for them.

Generally, you should have a laptop that is built for you and your needs. Having a reliable computer is as important as the performance level. If you need a laptop that can work with a variety of programs, then buy one that is capable of multitasking within different programs. If you are primarily going to use your laptop for schoolwork, rather than gaming, pick and choose accordingly.

A laptop shouldn't break your budget either. It's important to pick one that is affordable but not too cheap or too expensive. Expect to pay between $700 and $2,000. Any lower or any higher may be a bit iffy — and clean out your bank account! If a computer's price seems too good to be true, then it probably is! On the other hand, a pricey laptop may not be something you really need at this point, and simplicity might be a better fit for you.

Having a lighter laptop is also something one should think about. Go for a model that's easy to carry around campus. If you are allowed to use your laptop in your classes, you should probably opt to buy a laptop with a silent or quieter keyboard.

Knowing the warranty and maintenance plan your laptop has is also a key component when purchasing a laptop. It would be a drag to purchase a laptop without knowing what you are dealing with. You also should know what programs your laptop can have added to it someday because you may use the same one after law school.

The website advises focusing on the specifics of your laptop, especially the size of the laptop and the screen that it has. Other tips provided by the site include getting a dual-core processor and buying a laptop with 1GB of RAM at the very least. Dual-core processors work better with larger amounts of information. Windows Vista runs better with at least 1GB of RAM. Usually, good laptops come with at least 2GB of RAM.

Picking a faster hard drive is also a safer option. During the school year we tend to obtain a lot of files, including music and photo files, so it's best to have a system that can hold up under the weight of all of these files. A bigger hard drive is also important, but faster is more effective.

It's also important to consider the Internet access your laptop is capable of supporting. ConsumerSearch recommends getting only the software that you will need to use. Buying the software when you purchase the laptop is often easier than obtaining it at a later time or by other means. Other times, computers are filled with programs that are unnecessary. Your computer may turn out to be more expensive because of the software you pick, but it also might cost less instead.

Most importantly, do the research, but stick to the laptop or notebook that you're most comfortable with. After all, you will probably be spending a good amount of time with your trusty technological friend.
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