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Sending a Transaction Sheet with Your Attorney Resume

published February 18, 2008

( 498 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)

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Including a representative transaction sheet as an addendum to your attorney resume allows you to provide more detail about the legal transactions you have conducted throughout your career. Usually one or two pages, the sheet lists transactions in bulleted prose and groups them by law category under headings with category names.
Sending A Transaction Sheet With Your Attorney Resume

Place the categories of law at the top that you would most like to emphasize; chronology doesn't matter here because dates are not mentioned. However, transaction sheets provide the proper forum for displaying the dollar figures of deals you have worked on.

Not all transaction-sheet bullets need to include dollar figures. Often in cases such as torts that are frequently settled out of court, the dollar figures are confidential, so you are not at liberty to reveal such information. Attorneys in such situations can still use transaction sheets to describe cases they have argued, where they can highlight
unique and significant benchmarks in their careers.

Transaction sheets are becoming more common, particularly among mid- to senior-level attorneys who have enough work history to fill up at least a page of transactions. Their accompanying resumes are constructed with more general information about their work histories, and their transaction sheets and cover letters provide the details.

In addition to accompanying resumes, transaction sheets are also used as marketing materials for attracting potential clients. Websites of large firms often list representative transactions that their partners have conducted.

"It's often a good idea to write a transaction or deal sheet list," says Jessica Shevitz of Alan Roberts & Associates. "This conveys specifics to those who need to know. It is important to recruiters and potential employers to see that you are aware of the world around you and not just 'filing, drafting, preparing documents.' The fact that you were drafting a memo for Client Company ABC means a lot more."

The following is an example of a transaction sheet of an early- to mid-career attorney.



  • Reset rate note student loan ABS transaction (XYZ Education Lending)
  • Private credit student loan ABS transaction (XYZ Education Lending)
  • Retail auto loan deals for commercial banks (Abadaba Finance and Loan)
  • Tobacco settlement receipt transaction (South Carolina)
  • All note structure for deal floor plan (Octopus Bank)
  • Deutsche Mark-denominated ABS financing for U.S. credit card assets (Lending Giant)
  • Auto lease ABS transaction (Octopus Bank)
  • Public term trade receivables ABS (Acme Tech Consulting)
  • Agriculture and construction equipment loan ABS (JKL Excavators)

  • Deals within 10 asset classes, leading the project team, including student loans, utility stranded assets, auto leases, deal floor plan loans, recreational vehicles, auto loans, credit cards, tobacco settlement receipts, agricultural and construction equipment, trade receivables
  • Negotiated and executed two transactions utilizing two different entities to insure residual value risk for Octopus Bank auto lease transactions (1998-A: $1.6 billion; and 2001-A: $954.8 million)
  • Co-lead manager for transition charges for Chachacha Light & Power, $797.3 million
  • Lead manager for transition charges for Superman Energy Company, $748.9 million
  • Co-lead manager for transition charges for Batman Gas Power, $2.5 billion
  • Co-lead manager for transition charges for XX&Y, $2.4 billion
  • Lead manager for transition charges for Green Goblin Power, $864 million
  • Co-lead manager for transition charges for Hulk Electric, $3.4 billion
  • Lead manager for settlement receipts from MSA for San Diego County, $467 million
  • Co-lead manager for settlement receipts from MSA for South Carolina, $935 million
  • Co-lead manager for settlement receipts from MSA for District of Columbia, $521 million
  • Co-lead manager for settlement receipts from MSA, Monroe County, $163 million

Please see the following articles for more information about resumes:
( 498 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)
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