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Secrets to Landing the Callback Interview: Proven Strategies for Job Seekers

published February 15, 2023

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The job market can be a challenging and intimidating place, but one of the biggest hurdles jobseekers face is getting invited for a callback interview. However, with the right approach and a bit of hard work, getting called back for an interview is completely achievable.

Preparation is the key to success when getting a callback interview. A jobseeker needs to do thorough research to understand the company and the job opening, and make sure their knowledge about the company and job is accurately reflected in the resume and cover letter. It is also a good idea to practice common interview questions, so that a jobseeker is prepared and can be confident during the interview.

Another important step for getting a callback interview is to make sure that the jobseeker is being proactive and perseverant. Networking is a great way to make connections with people in the industry and increase a jobseeker's chances of getting an interview. Applying to multiple job openings and sending out follow-up emails to employers are also great ways to stay proactive in the job search.

Finally, jobseekers should remember to take their time when crafting a resume and cover letter, and to be honest when answering questions during the interview. If the jobseeker is able to give a genuine account of themselves and their skills and knowledge, they will be able to make a lasting impression on the employer that will reflect positively on them.

By following these tips and having the right approach, jobseekers can increase their chances of getting that callback interview. Preparation and research, staying proactive and perseverant, as well as being honest and genuine during the interview are all key steps for getting that callback interview. Doing these will give jobseekers an edge in the competitive job market and will be one step closer to landing the job.

Understanding the Callback

A callback interview is usually the second step in a series of interviews for a job position. It typically follows an initial screening interview in which the employer evaluates the applicant's qualifications, skills, and background. After the screening step, the most qualified applicants receive an invitation for a callback, which is further indication that the employer is interested in the applicant and believes that he or she has the potential to do well in the job.

Positioning Yourself for the Callback

The key to getting a callback is to make a good impression during the initial screening. It is important to present a polished and professional image, be well-prepared, and show enthusiasm and knowledge about the employer. When you are asked questions, always respond in an articulate and informed manner and be sure to ask your own questions about the open position, the company, and the industry.

The Callback Interview

During the callback interview, it is vital to express your interest in the position and convey the skills and experience that make you the ideal candidate for the job. Be sure to emphasize how your qualifications, abilities, and achievements will help the employer to succeed. As in any other interview, communication should be clear and measured and your responses should be honest. Additionally, it is important to highlight why you are the best fit for the position.

Engaging the Interviewer

When it comes to a callback interview, engaging the interviewer is paramount. Participating in an interactive dialogue with the interviewer will help to show that you understand the role and the duties associated with it. Asking pertinent questions is an effective way to demonstrate your knowledge and interest in the position. Additionally, it is important to be a good listener and respond thoughtfully to the questions asked.

Establishing a Positive Connection

Since a callback interview is usually a more intense and in-depth process than the initial screening, it is essential to establish a positive connection with the interviewer. When possible, make sure to provide relevant examples and share details about specific successes that may have occurred in your past. It is also important to display a good attitude and express sincerity, enthusiasm, and confidence in your qualifications and potential.

Any job interview is stressful, but knowing you are only one in a continuous line of potential job candidates parading in front of the on-campus recruiters - and meeting up to 10 recruiters yourself in a single day - can be extremely wearing and disheartening. How do you impress the interviewers enough to be the one they want to see again?

"Making yourself be the chosen one early in the process with the preliminary interviews is tough, but if you want to be chosen for a callback interview you want to be perceived as the best," said Jerry Nash, deputy director of the National Association for Law Placement (NALP). "That means doing your homework not only on the organization as a whole but on the individual conducting the interview as well to the extent that you can."

Nash remembers one friend who interviewed students on his birthday. When it came to arranging callback interviews, he chose the only student who expressed good wishes to him because it was his birthday.

"It showed a discipline and a thoroughness," Nash said.

Melissa Balaban, director of career services at the University of Southern California Law School in Los Angeles, said students should do more than just check out the firm's Web site.

"Think of intelligent questions to ask that are based on information that isn't readily available on their Web site so it shows you did some work," she said. "It's so easy today with the Internet and Lexis or Nexis to search for free. It will not only bode well on them as employees but also gives them some better information on the place they might be working."

Mario Trimble, a second-year student at the University of Colorado School of Law in Boulder, spent last summer as a summer associate at Kutak, Rock in Denver - a job he got through OCI. He says preparation for interviews is critical and advises students to start early.

"That made a difference to me," he said. "I spent some time getting all my ducks in a row, honing my resume, talking to faculty and having all my references prepared before the process started."

Nash also recommends students practice what they might say if asked about their future plans or why they chose law school.

"Being able to articulate your own personal and professional goals clearly, concisely and professionally is critical," he said.

But Balaban advises against too much preparation.

"Rehearse and prepare, always walking in the fine line between sounding rehearsed and prepared and being caught unprepared," she said.

Trimble suggests putting something unusual or interesting on your resume to help break the ice. He is a semi-professional fencer and finds interviewers like to ask him about that. Plus, it makes him more memorable later on.

David Booher, a third-year student at USC, also found his summer job with O'Melveny & Myers in Los Angeles through OCI. His best advice is to make sure you don't get tripped up on something simple.

"Have a perfect resume and writing sample with no typos or simple mistakes," he said. "Because the competition id going to be stiffer, don't give the employers and reason to easily dismiss you as a candidate."

This story appeared in the September, 2003 edition of The National Jurist,

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