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Pregnant Attorney Lied

published December 17, 2007

By Author - LawCrossing

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On Wednesday, when she failed to pick up their son from daycare, McConnell Hancock's husband filed her missing. The next day, he received a phone call from his wife, who said, "They have me." Hancock said she also told him not to "let her son forget her and that she loved him."

Finally, McConnell Hancock managed to flag down a motorist and contact the police. And come Saturday, she was found.

The only clear reason for her abduction was linked to a case worked on by her father, Toledo Municipal Court Judge C. Allen McConnell.

"She said that they did not really harm her," said McConnell Hancock's husband. "She said they weren't really interested in her at all. They were just trying to make her suffer based on some case they believe my father-in-law, before he became a judge, had something to do with."

However, the "clear reason" soon became irrelevant after the six-months pregnant attorney admitted something. That she lied.

After eight hours of questioning by the police, McConnell Hancock confessed. She could face charges for her falsities against the police as well as disbarment.

"She experienced a meltdown and attempted to handle those matters without the assistance of professional help or others. Karyn elected to leave everything because she felt that she was unable to continue," said her husband. He also said she's had psychological problems for years.

One factor that may have contributed to McConnell Hancock's "meltdown" is a recent lawsuit filed against her by one of her former clients. However, the police aren't "discussing any motives."

McConnell Hancock has served as the chair of the Law and Criminal Justice Committee and vice chair of the Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee. She was also named "Business Woman of the Year" by the Toledo chapter of the National Association of Negro and Professional Women's Clubs Inc. in 2001. Her husband, Lawrence Hancock, is a bishop of Final Harvest Church in Toledo. They have one son, Lawrence Jr.

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